Thread: Is it possible to get the return value of trigger function using PHP or any other method.

Hi All,

I would like to put one query which is firing trigger in transactions(Begin,
commit and rollback). If the trigger function success then i have to commit
transaction, if fails i have to rollback.

How can I send return value of trigger function after executing the query.

Is it possible to get the return value of trigger function using PHP or any
other method.

I am using PHP as scripting language, and plpgsql for trigger function.

Sreedhar Bhaskararaju 1,2nd Main Road, KottuGardens, Chennai - 600 085 Ph :
4475111 Email :

Hi All,

I solved my problem, I used begin transactions(begin, commit, rollback)
through PHP when i am calling triggered sql statement. 'Raise Error in
trigger function making result of triggered SQL Statement's return value as

Using this value we can take decision whether we can commit or rollback
whole transaction.

Thanks Alot, Let me know is there any other way to do this.

----- Original Message -----
From: "shreedhar" <>
To: "Postgres" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: [ADMIN] Is it possible to get the return value of trigger function
using PHP or any other method.

> Hi All,
> I would like to put one query which is firing trigger in
> commit and rollback). If the trigger function success then i have to
> transaction, if fails i have to rollback.
> How can I send return value of trigger function after executing the query.
> Is it possible to get the return value of trigger function using PHP or
> other method.
> I am using PHP as scripting language, and plpgsql for trigger function.
> Regards,
> Sreedhar Bhaskararaju 1,2nd Main Road, KottuGardens, Chennai - 600 085 Ph
> 4475111 Email :
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