Thread: FATAL 1: btree: cannot split if start (2) >= maxoff (2)

FATAL 1: btree: cannot split if start (2) >= maxoff (2)

Mateus Cordeiro Inssa

  Please, what can I do to solve this "FATAL 1:  btree: cannot split
if start (2) >= maxoff (2)" error messages ? I use v. 6.3.2 + btree patch
and almost every time I send a "create function" I receive this
message on pg_proc.
  pg_proc has 972 tuples and my functions use from 1k to 4k in prosrc
  I've searched in the archives but all that I found said something
like "drop & recreate the database" or "restart postgres", but I can't
do this every time.

  Please, any help ?

Mateus Cordeiro Inssa
Innova Producoes Digitais
Linux User: 76186
ICQ (KXicq): 15243895

Mon Aug 31 15:57:25 EST 1998