Thread: "There is no binary release yet for Windows and Mac OS X, but that should come in the next few days."

<span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;">"2014-10-09 -
pgAdminv1.20 beta2 available"<br /><br />Today is 2014-11-21. "Next few days" indeed...<br /><br />Is this new release
goingto go stable anytime soon, BTW? I can't wait for it because while pgAdmin has been useful, and is certainly no
easytask to code, it has felt very frustrating to me for a long time now due to all sorts of limitations. I hope that
thenew release will fix these.</span></span> 
<p dir="ltr">Hi,<p dir="ltr">Le 21 nov. 2014 02:03, <<a
href=""></a>>a écrit :<br /> ><br /> > "2014-10-09 -
pgAdminv1.20 beta2 available"<br /> ><br /> > Today is 2014-11-21. "Next few days" indeed...<br /> ><br />
>Is this new release going to go stable anytime soon, BTW? I can't wait for it because while pgAdmin has been
useful,and is certainly no easy task to code, it has felt very frustrating to me for a long time now due to all sorts
oflimitations. I hope that the new release will fix these.<p dir="ltr">RC1 is out since yesterday, the GA should come
quickly.Of course, not knowing which issues you're talking about doesn't help being confident your issues are fixed.