Thread: how to disable auto-completion

how to disable auto-completion

Michal Kozusznik
Hello<br /> Is it any option to disable auto-completion feature? If not, could it be added?<br /><br /> We bought SQL
Assistantwhich provides better functionality of this feature, unfortunately sometimes both solutions colide each
other.<br/><br /> BTW in pgAdmin manual is stated:<br /><i>You can optionally enable the Tab key to activate the
autocompletefeature as well - the can be done on the </i><i><a class="reference internal"
href="options-tab4.html#options-tab4"><em>[optionsdialog]</em></a></i><i>.</i><br /> Where <i><a class="reference
internal"href="options-tab4.html#options-tab4"><em>[options dialog]</em></a></i> is the link to Options description
includingscreenshot. But I found no the option here.<br /><br /> with regards<br /> MK<br /> 

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Dave Page
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Michal Kozusznik
<> wrote:
> Hello
> Is it any option to disable auto-completion feature? If not, could it be
> added?
> We bought SQL Assistant which provides better functionality of this feature,
> unfortunately sometimes both solutions colide each other.
> BTW in pgAdmin manual is stated:
> You can optionally enable the Tab key to activate the autocomplete feature
> as well - the can be done on the [options dialog].
> Where [options dialog] is the link to Options description including
> screenshot. But I found no the option here.

Why would you want to disable it? If you don't want to use it, just
don't press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Tab if that's enabled.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Michal Kozusznik
On 28.11.2012 17:22, Dave Page wrote:
> Why would you want to disable it? If you don't want to use it, just
> don't press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Tab if that's enabled.
Because I am got used those shortcuts and want to use same in SQL 
Asistant (btw set by default too)

with regards

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Dave Page
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Michal Kozusznik
<> wrote:
> On 28.11.2012 17:22, Dave Page wrote:
>> Why would you want to disable it? If you don't want to use it, just
>> don't press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Tab if that's enabled.
> Because I am got used those shortcuts and want to use same in SQL Asistant
> (btw set by default too)

That argument could equally apply to any shortcut key in the
application. Doing some without others isn't the right way to go, and
I seriously doubt anyone will take the time and effort required to do
them all I'm afraid.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Kozusznik Michal
that's why i'm not asking for developing hotkeys settings support, but to add single checkbox is setings to disable
thisfeature at all. It should be quick and easy. 

btw don't take me wrong or offensive but autocompletion in pgadmin is half-baked and I doubt will be ever finished. try
demoof SQL Asistant to get know how it should look like. Then you figure out that it doesn't make sense to block other
appswhich do the job better. 


29. 11. 2012 v 8:54, "Dave Page" <>:

> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Michal Kozusznik
> <> wrote:
>> On 28.11.2012 17:22, Dave Page wrote:
>>> Why would you want to disable it? If you don't want to use it, just
>>> don't press Ctrl+Space or Ctrl+Tab if that's enabled.
>> Because I am got used those shortcuts and want to use same in SQL Asistant
>> (btw set by default too)
> That argument could equally apply to any shortcut key in the
> application. Doing some without others isn't the right way to go, and
> I seriously doubt anyone will take the time and effort required to do
> them all I'm afraid.
> --
> Dave Page
> Blog:
> Twitter: @pgsnake
> EnterpriseDB UK:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Dave Page
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Kozusznik Michal
<> wrote:
> that's why i'm not asking for developing hotkeys settings support, but to add single checkbox is setings to disable
thisfeature at all. It should be quick and easy.

But what is different between your request, and someone who has
another app that uses F10 for something other than Step Into in the
debugger? We're not going to add the ability to disable a single hot
key on the request of one person I'm afraid. That leads to madness.

> btw don't take me wrong or offensive but autocompletion in pgadmin is half-baked and I doubt will be ever finished.
trydemo of SQL Asistant to get know how it should look like.

Auto-complete in pgAdmin uses the same code as psql does. That's
regularly updated by the PostgreSQL team.

> Then you figure out that it doesn't make sense to block other apps which do the job better.

It doesn't block anything.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Michal Kozusznik
On 29.11.2012 13:04, Dave Page wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Kozusznik Michal
> <> wrote:
>> that's why i'm not asking for developing hotkeys settings support, but to add single checkbox is setings to disable
thisfeature at all. It should be quick and easy.
> But what is different between your request, and someone who has
> another app that uses F10 for something other than Step Into in the
> debugger? We're not going to add the ability to disable a single hot
> key on the request of one person I'm afraid. That leads to madness.

Do not disable the single hotkey. Disable whole feature.
Man, I'm programmer too. Don't try to tell me it is impossible or hard 
to do .

> Auto-complete in pgAdmin uses the same code as psql does. That's
> regularly updated by the PostgreSQL team.

But unfortunately it's very weak comparable to other solutions. 
Aspecialy it fails while working with joins. but makes impossible a lot 
of things like add field names just after SELECT etc. I don't want to 
list all issues here. There are better solutions - and this is the fact. 
That's why it should be possible to disable it in pgadmin.
Just try SQL Asistant to see how far behind is native auto-complete. 
Because I have feeling you think psql based one is good enough.

>> Then you figure out that it doesn't make sense to block other apps which do the job better.
> It doesn't block anything.

It does, actually . It uses most popular hot-key combination making 
impossible to use the same with SQL Assistant

with regards

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Dave Page
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Michal Kozusznik
<> wrote:
> On 29.11.2012 13:04, Dave Page wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Kozusznik Michal
>> <> wrote:
>>> that's why i'm not asking for developing hotkeys settings support, but to
>>> add single checkbox is setings to disable this feature at all. It should be
>>> quick and easy.
>> But what is different between your request, and someone who has
>> another app that uses F10 for something other than Step Into in the
>> debugger? We're not going to add the ability to disable a single hot
>> key on the request of one person I'm afraid. That leads to madness.
> Do not disable the single hotkey. Disable whole feature.
> Man, I'm programmer too. Don't try to tell me it is impossible or hard to do

It's neither - it's probably a 20 minute job. But it's a random
feature, that will be inconsistent with the rest of the app, added at
the request of one user in over 10 years. That is bad design
(inconsistency annoys users and causes confusion), and when repeated
for every individual request becomes an unmaintainable, messy

>> Auto-complete in pgAdmin uses the same code as psql does. That's
>> regularly updated by the PostgreSQL team.
> But unfortunately it's very weak comparable to other solutions. Aspecialy it
> fails while working with joins. but makes impossible a lot of things like
> add field names just after SELECT etc. I don't want to list all issues here.
> There are better solutions - and this is the fact. That's why it should be
> possible to disable it in pgadmin.
> Just try SQL Asistant to see how far behind is native auto-complete. Because
> I have feeling you think psql based one is good enough.

I never use it myself. But out of interest, how exactly to SQL
Assistant give you any kind of usable auto complete for column names
after SELECT if you've got a database that's anything other than
trivially sized? For example, the database I'm currently working in
has nearly 4000 distinct columns in it, and that's relatively small.

>>> Then you figure out that it doesn't make sense to block other apps which
>>> do the job better.
>> It doesn't block anything.
> It does, actually . It uses most popular hot-key combination making
> impossible to use the same with SQL Assistant

What, you mean Ctrl+Space is captured by pgAdmin, even if it doesn't
have focus? It isn't here.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Michal Kozusznik
On 29.11.2012 13:50, Dave Page wrote:
> I never use it myself. But out of interest, how exactly to SQL
> Assistant give you any kind of usable auto complete for column names
> after SELECT if you've got a database that's anything other than
> trivially sized? For example, the database I'm currently working in
> has nearly 4000 distinct columns in it, and that's relatively small.

For example you may write prototype like SELECT * FROM some_table, then 
add fields instead of *. Then you get only fields from the table... or 
from tables participating in JOIN etc. Really worth to try it - just for 

> What, you mean Ctrl+Space is captured by pgAdmin, even if it doesn't
> have focus? It isn't here.

Maybe it's my fault I was not clear enough. I though SQL Assistant is 
known app or you will check what is it.
This app hook to other app UI replacing/improving functionality. In case 
of PgAdmin, after hitting SHIFT+SPACE two popups appears, one over 
another: from pgAdmin and from SQL Assistant. Actually, the last one has 
possibility to change hotkeys, but as I already said, we are accustomed 
to this since it's most common hotkey for autocomplete/intellisense.

with regards

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Michael Shapiro
I would like to request that PgAdmin do a better job at auto-completion as well.<br />I don't use it now since what I
reallyneed is help with the columns, more than the tables. <br />The tables are useful, but often I know the table
namesbut can't remember the column names and auto-completion on column names would be a great help.<br /><br />I use
othertools with other databases that provide auto-completion anywhere in the query or update, even in joins on multiple
tables.For example, DB Artisan (for Sybase) offers a popup list of choices after a delay. If it is expecting a table,
thenthe list are the tables that "match". If it is expect a column, the list are the columns that "match"<br /><br
/>FWIW-- I tried SQL Assistant and rejected it for PgAdmin. The integration is clumsy (eg, wrt the connection) and, for
me,the gain (auto-completion on columns) is not worth the trouble that SQL Assistant creates.<br /><br /><br /><br
/><divclass="gmail_extra"><br /><br /><div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Dave Page <span
dir="ltr"><<ahref="" target="_blank"></a>></span> wrote:<br
/><blockquoteclass="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div
class="im">OnThu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Michal Kozusznik<br /> <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> > On 29.11.2012 13:04,
DavePage wrote:<br /> >><br /> >> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Kozusznik Michal<br /> >> <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> >>><br />
>>>that's why i'm not asking for developing hotkeys settings support, but to<br /> >>> add single
checkboxis setings to disable this feature at all. It should be<br /> >>> quick and easy.<br /> >><br />
>>But what is different between your request, and someone who has<br /> >> another app that uses F10 for
somethingother than Step Into in the<br /> >> debugger? We're not going to add the ability to disable a single
hot<br/> >> key on the request of one person I'm afraid. That leads to madness.<br /> ><br /> ><br /> >
Donot disable the single hotkey. Disable whole feature.<br /> > Man, I'm programmer too. Don't try to tell me it is
impossibleor hard to do<br /><br /></div>It's neither - it's probably a 20 minute job. But it's a random<br /> feature,
thatwill be inconsistent with the rest of the app, added at<br /> the request of one user in over 10 years. That is bad
design<br/> (inconsistency annoys users and causes confusion), and when repeated<br /> for every individual request
becomesan unmaintainable, messy<br /> codebase.<br /><div class="im"><br /> >> Auto-complete in pgAdmin uses the
samecode as psql does. That's<br /> >> regularly updated by the PostgreSQL team.<br /> ><br /> ><br /> >
Butunfortunately it's very weak comparable to other solutions. Aspecialy it<br /> > fails while working with joins.
butmakes impossible a lot of things like<br /> > add field names just after SELECT etc. I don't want to list all
issueshere.<br /> > There are better solutions - and this is the fact. That's why it should be<br /> > possible
todisable it in pgadmin.<br /> > Just try SQL Asistant to see how far behind is native auto-complete. Because<br />
>I have feeling you think psql based one is good enough.<br /><br /></div>I never use it myself. But out of
interest,how exactly to SQL<br /> Assistant give you any kind of usable auto complete for column names<br /> after
SELECTif you've got a database that's anything other than<br /> trivially sized? For example, the database I'm
currentlyworking in<br /> has nearly 4000 distinct columns in it, and that's relatively small.<br /><div class="im"><br
/>>>> Then you figure out that it doesn't make sense to block other apps which<br /> >>> do the job
better.<br/> >><br /> >> It doesn't block anything.<br /> >><br /> ><br /> > It does, actually
.It uses most popular hot-key combination making<br /> > impossible to use the same with SQL Assistant<br /><br
/></div>What,you mean Ctrl+Space is captured by pgAdmin, even if it doesn't<br /> have focus? It isn't here.<br /><div
class="imHOEnZb"><br /> --<br /> Dave Page<br /> Blog: <a href=""
target="_blank"></a><br/> Twitter: @pgsnake<br /><br /> EnterpriseDB UK: <a
href=""target="_blank"></a><br /> The Enterprise PostgreSQL
Company<br/><br /><br /></div><div class="HOEnZb"><div class="h5">--<br /> Sent via pgadmin-support mailing list (<a
href=""></a>)<br/> To make changes to your
subscription:<br/><a href=""
target="_blank"></a><br/></div></div></blockquote></div><br /></div> 

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Dave Page
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Michal Kozusznik
<> wrote:
> On 29.11.2012 13:50, Dave Page wrote:
>> What, you mean Ctrl+Space is captured by pgAdmin, even if it doesn't
>> have focus? It isn't here.
> Maybe it's my fault I was not clear enough. I though SQL Assistant is known
> app or you will check what is it.
> This app hook to other app UI replacing/improving functionality. In case of
> PgAdmin, after hitting SHIFT+SPACE two popups appears, one over another:
> from pgAdmin and from SQL Assistant. Actually, the last one has possibility
> to change hotkeys, but as I already said, we are accustomed to this since
> it's most common hotkey for autocomplete/intellisense.

I've never even heard of it, let alone used it. As it hooks in, your
email makes much more sense than it would if it were a separate app.

However, I still believe that adding an option to disable a single
hotkey out of many, at the request of one user to enable someone
else's product to work properly is not something we should do. The SQL
Assistant website specifically claims that it works with pgAdmin -
which by the sound of it is inaccurate. It seems to me that it's their
responsibility to fix - and as it's a paid-for product, you have a
right to expect it to work as described (in most countries anyway).


Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK:
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: how to disable auto-completion

Rade Martinović
Hi Michal,

I would suggest that, if you have the time and expertise, to compile pgAdmin 
yourself and disable the hotkey yourself.

I assume that it would take you 1-2 full working days (if you are completely 
new to compiling stuff, probably a lot less), but you'll probably be more 
than happy with the result.

As Dave here suggested, you may state your case with SQL Assistant, since 
you've paid for that product and you are not satisfied. I trust it will take 
them no more than 1-2 hours to provide you with pgAdmin.exe with hotkey 
turned off.

Best regards,

From: "Dave Page" <>
Sent: Friday, 30 November, 2012 10:40
To: "Michal Kozusznik" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] how to disable auto-completion

> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Michal Kozusznik
> <> wrote:
>> On 29.11.2012 13:50, Dave Page wrote:
>>> What, you mean Ctrl+Space is captured by pgAdmin, even if it doesn't
>>> have focus? It isn't here.
>> Maybe it's my fault I was not clear enough. I though SQL Assistant is 
>> known
>> app or you will check what is it.
>> This app hook to other app UI replacing/improving functionality. In case 
>> of
>> PgAdmin, after hitting SHIFT+SPACE two popups appears, one over another:
>> from pgAdmin and from SQL Assistant. Actually, the last one has 
>> possibility
>> to change hotkeys, but as I already said, we are accustomed to this since
>> it's most common hotkey for autocomplete/intellisense.
> I've never even heard of it, let alone used it. As it hooks in, your
> email makes much more sense than it would if it were a separate app.
> However, I still believe that adding an option to disable a single
> hotkey out of many, at the request of one user to enable someone
> else's product to work properly is not something we should do. The SQL
> Assistant website specifically claims that it works with pgAdmin -
> which by the sound of it is inaccurate. It seems to me that it's their
> responsibility to fix - and as it's a paid-for product, you have a
> right to expect it to work as described (in most countries anyway).
> Sorry.
> --
> Dave Page
> Blog:
> Twitter: @pgsnake
> EnterpriseDB UK:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
> -- 
> Sent via pgadmin-support mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription: