Thread: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when viewing table results directly

v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when viewing table results directly

"Mike G"
XP Pro, SP2.

In threadex.c

static void _callthreadstartex(void)
{   _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */
   /* must always exist at this point */   ptd = _getptd();
   /*       * Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to       * implement runtime errors and signal
support      */   __try {           _endthreadex (               ( (unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL *)(void
*))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr))   /******* Debugger Points Here *******/            ( ((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg ) )
;  }   __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) )   {           /*               * Should
neverreach here               */           _exit( GetExceptionCode() );
   } /* end of _try - _except */


"Unhandled exception at 0x02024ceb in pgadmin3.exe 0xC0000005; access violation writing
location 0x00000000
Installed from executeable on 

Beta 2 certainly is much better than Beta 1.

Disassembly view:
78132850 C3               ret              
78132851 8B 65 E8         mov         esp,dword ptr [ebp-18h]   298:     {  299:             /*  300:                 *
Shouldnever reach here  301:                 */  302:             _exit( GetExceptionCode() );
78132854 FF 75 E4         push        dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] 
78132857 E8 DE F1 FF FF   call        _exit (78131A3Ah) 
7813285C CC               int         3      202: *       void *ptd       = pointer to _tiddata structure for this
thread 203: *  204: *Exit:  205: *       Never returns - terminates thread!  206: *  207: *Exceptions:  208: *  209:
*******************************************************************************/ 210:   211: static unsigned long
WINAPI_threadstart (  212:         void * ptd  213:         )  214: {  215:         _ptiddata _ptd;                  /*
pointerto per-thread data */  216:   217:         /* Initialize FlsGetValue function pointer */  218:
7813285D E8 76 03 00 00   call        __set_flsgetvalue (78132BD8h)   219:   220:         /*  221:          * Check if
ptdis initialised during THREAD_ATTACH call to dll mains  222:          */  223:         if ( (_ptd =
(_ptiddata)__fls_getvalue(__get_flsindex()))== NULL)
78132862 E8 6B 03 00 00   call        __get_flsindex (78132BD2h) 
78132867 50               push        eax  
78132868 E8 50 03 00 00   call        __fls_getvalue (78132BBDh) 
7813286D 85 C0            test        eax,eax 
7813286F 75 20            jne         $LN7 (78132891h)   224:         {  225:             /*  226:              * Stash
thepointer to the per-thread data stucture in TLS  227:              */  228:             if (
!__fls_setvalue(__get_flsindex(),ptd) )
78132871 FF 74 24 04      push        dword ptr [esp+4] 
78132875 E8 58 03 00 00   call        __get_flsindex (78132BD2h) 
7813287A 50               push        eax  
7813287B E8 82 03 00 00   call        __fls_setvalue (78132C02h) 
78132880 85 C0            test        eax,eax 
78132882 75 29            jne         $LN7+1Ch (781328ADh)   229:             {  230:
78132884 FF 15 64 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__GetLastError@0 (78194064h)] 
7813288A 50               push        eax  
7813288B FF 15 5C 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__ExitThread@4 (7819405Ch)]   231:             }  232:         }
233:         else  234:         {  235:             _ptd->_initaddr = ((_ptiddata) ptd)->_initaddr;
78132891 8B 4C 24 04      mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp+4] 
78132895 8B 51 54         mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+54h] 
78132898 89 50 54         mov         dword ptr [eax+54h],edx   236:             _ptd->_initarg =  ((_ptiddata)
7813289B 8B 51 58         mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+58h] 
7813289E 89 50 58         mov         dword ptr [eax+58h],edx   237:             _ptd->_thandle =  ((_ptiddata)
781328A1 8B 51 04         mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+4]   238: #if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)  239:
     _ptd->__initDomain=((_ptiddata) ptd)->__initDomain;  240: #endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */  241:
781328A4 51               push        ecx  
781328A5 89 50 04         mov         dword ptr [eax+4],edx 
781328A8 E8 FA 04 00 00   call        _freefls (78132DA7h)   242:             ptd = _ptd;  243:         }  244:   245:
      /*  246:          * Call fp initialization, if necessary  247:          */  248: #ifndef MRTDLL  249: #ifdef
CRTDLL 250:         _fpclear();
781328AD E8 3D 69 01 00   call        _fpclear (781491EFh)   251: #else  /* CRTDLL */  252:         if (_FPmtinit !=
NULL&&  253:             _IsNonwritableInCurrentImage((PBYTE)&_FPmtinit))  254:         {  255:
(*_FPmtinit)(); 256:         }  257: #endif  /* CRTDLL */  258: #endif  /* MRTDLL */  259:   260: #if defined (_M_CEE)
||defined (MRTDLL)  261:         DWORD domain=0;  262:         if(!_getdomain(&domain))  263:         {  264:
 ExitThread(0);  265:         }  266:         if(domain!=_ptd->__initDomain)  267:         {  268:             /* need
totransition to caller's domain and startup there*/  269:             ::msclr::call_in_appdomain(_ptd->__initDomain,
_callthreadstart); 270:   271:             return 0L;  272:         }  273: #endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined
(MRTDLL)*/  274:   275:         _callthreadstart();
781328B2 E8 65 FF FF FF   call        _callthreadstart (7813281Ch) 
781328B7 CC               int         3        1: /***    2: *thread.c - Begin and end a thread    3: *    4: *
Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    5: *    6: *Purpose:    7: *       This source contains the
_beginthread()and _endthread()    8: *       routines which are used to start and terminate a thread.    9: *   10:
*******************************************************************************/  11:    12:    13: #include
<cruntime.h>  14: #include <oscalls.h>   15: #include <internal.h>   16: #include <mtdll.h>   17: #include <msdos.h>
18:#include <malloc.h>   19: #include <process.h>   20: #include <stddef.h>   21: #include <rterr.h>   22: #include
<dbgint.h>  23: #include <errno.h>   24: #if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)   25: #include <msclr\appdomain.h>
26:#endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */   27:    28: #pragma warning(disable:4439)   // C4439: function
witha managed parameter must
have a __clrcall calling convention   29:    30: /*   31:  * Startup code for new thread.   32:  */   33: static
unsignedlong WINAPI _threadstart(void *);   34: static void _callthreadstart(void);   35:    36: /*   37:  * declare
pointersto per-thread FP initialization and termination routines.   38:  * Note that this initialization is only done
innative, not managed.   39:  */   40: #if !defined (MRTDLL) && !defined (CRTDLL)   41: const _PVFV _FPmtinit;   42:
const_PVFV _FPmtterm;   43: #endif  /* !defined (MRTDLL) && !defined (CRTDLL) */   44:    45: #if defined (_M_CEE) ||
defined(MRTDLL)   46: static int _getdomain(DWORD *pDomain)   47: {   48:     *pDomain=0;   49:     ICLRRuntimeHost
*pClrHost= NULL;   50:    51:     HRESULT hr = CorBindToRuntimeEx(   52:         NULL,                       // version
ofthe runtime to request   53:         NULL,                       // flavor of the runtime to request   54:         0,
                        // runtime startup flags   55:         CLSID_CLRRuntimeHost,       // clsid of ICLRRuntimeHost
56:         IID_ICLRRuntimeHost,        // IID of ICLRRuntimeHost   57:         (PVOID*)&pClrHost);         // a
pointerto our punk that we get back   58:    59:     if (FAILED(hr))   60:     {   61:         if (pClrHost != NULL)
62:        {   63:             pClrHost->Release();   64:         }   65:         return false;   66:     }   67:
68:    DWORD domain=0;   69:     hr=pClrHost->GetCurrentAppDomainId(&domain);   70:     pClrHost->Release();   71:
pClrHost=NULL;  72:     if (FAILED(hr))   73:     {   74:         return false;   75:     }   76:     *pDomain=domain;
77:     return true;   78: }   79: #endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */   80:    81: /***   82:
*_beginthread()- Create a child thread   83: *   84: *Purpose:   85: *       Create a child thread.   86: *   87:
*Entry:  88: *       initialcode = pointer to thread's startup code address   89: *       stacksize = size of stack
90:*       argument = argument to be passed to new thread   91: *   92: *Exit:   93: *       success = handle for new
threadif successful   94: *   95: *       failure = (unsigned long) -1L in case of error, errno and _doserrno   96: *
             are set   97: *   98: *Exceptions:   99: *  100:
*******************************************************************************/ 101:   102: _MCRTIMP uintptr_t __cdecl
_beginthread(  103:         void (__CLRCALL_OR_CDECL * initialcode) (void *),  104:         unsigned stacksize,  105:
     void * argument  106:         )  107: {
781328B8 55               push        ebp  
781328B9 8B EC            mov         ebp,esp 
781328BB 51               push        ecx  
781328BC 53               push        ebx  
781328BD 57               push        edi    108:         _ptiddata ptd;                  /* pointer to per-thread data
*/ 109:         uintptr_t thdl;                 /* thread handle */  110:         unsigned long err = 0L;     /* Return
fromGetLastError() */  111:   112:         /* validation section */  113:         _VALIDATE_RETURN(initialcode != NULL,
781328BE 8B 7D 08         mov         edi,dword ptr [initialcode] 
781328C1 33 DB            xor         ebx,ebx 
781328C3 3B FB            cmp         edi,ebx 
781328C5 89 5D FC         mov         dword ptr [err],ebx 
781328C8 75 20            jne         _beginthread+32h (781328EAh) 
781328CA E8 E3 19 00 00   call        _errno (781342B2h) 
781328CF 53               push        ebx  
781328D0 53               push        ebx  
781328D1 53               push        ebx  
781328D2 53               push        ebx  
781328D3 53               push        ebx  
781328D4 C7 00 16 00 00 00 mov         dword ptr [eax],16h 
781328DA E8 81 5F 00 00   call        _invalid_parameter (78138860h) 
781328DF 83 C4 14         add         esp,14h 
781328E2 83 C8 FF         or          eax,0FFFFFFFFh 
781328E5 E9 81 00 00 00   jmp         error_return+1Dh (7813296Bh) 
781328EA 56               push        esi    114:   115:         /* Initialize FlsGetValue function pointer */  116:
781328EB E8 E8 02 00 00   call        __set_flsgetvalue (78132BD8h)   117:   118:         /*  119:          * Allocate
andinitialize a per-thread data structure for the to-  120:          * be-created thread.  121:          */  122:
 if ( (ptd = (_ptiddata)_calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL )
781328F0 68 14 02 00 00   push        214h 
781328F5 6A 01            push        1    
781328F7 E8 E7 1D 00 00   call        _calloc_crt (781346E3h) 
781328FC 8B F0            mov         esi,eax 
781328FE 3B F3            cmp         esi,ebx 
78132900 59               pop         ecx  
78132901 59               pop         ecx  
78132902 74 4A            je          error_return (7813294Eh)   123:         {  124:             goto error_return;
125:        }  126:   127:         /*  128:          * Initialize the per-thread data  129:          */  130:   131:
    _initptd(ptd, _getptd()->ptlocinfo);
78132904 E8 86 04 00 00   call        _getptd (78132D8Fh) 
78132909 FF 70 6C         push        dword ptr [eax+6Ch] 
7813290C 56               push        esi  
7813290D E8 46 03 00 00   call        _initptd (78132C58h)   132:   133:         ptd->_initaddr = (void *) initialcode;
134:         ptd->_initarg = argument;
78132912 8B 45 10         mov         eax,dword ptr [argument] 
78132915 59               pop         ecx  
78132916 59               pop         ecx    135:   136: #if defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL)  137:
if(!_getdomain(&(ptd->__initDomain))) 138:         {  139:             goto error_return;  140:         }  141: #endif
/*defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */  142:   143:         /*  144:          * Create the new thread. Bring it up
ina suspended state so that  145:          * the _thandle and _tid fields are filled in before execution  146:
*starts.  147:          */  148:         if ( (ptd->_thandle = thdl = (uintptr_t)  149:               CreateThread(
NULL, 150:                             stacksize,  151:                             _threadstart,  152:
           (LPVOID)ptd,  153:                             CREATE_SUSPENDED,  154:
(LPDWORD)&(ptd->_tid)))  155:              == (uintptr_t)0 )
78132917 56               push        esi  
78132918 6A 04            push        4    
7813291A 56               push        esi  
7813291B 68 5D 28 13 78   push        offset _threadstart (7813285Dh) 
78132920 FF 75 0C         push        dword ptr [stacksize] 
78132923 89 7E 54         mov         dword ptr [esi+54h],edi 
78132926 53               push        ebx  
78132927 89 46 58         mov         dword ptr [esi+58h],eax 
7813292A FF 15 6C 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__CreateThread@24 (7819406Ch)] 
78132930 8B F8            mov         edi,eax 
78132932 3B FB            cmp         edi,ebx 
78132934 89 7E 04         mov         dword ptr [esi+4],edi   156:         {  157:                 err =
GetLastError(); 158:                 goto error_return;
78132937 74 0C            je          _beginthread+8Dh (78132945h)   159:         }  160:   161:         /*  162:
  * Start the new thread executing  163:          */  164:         if ( ResumeThread( (HANDLE)thdl ) == (DWORD)(-1) )
78132939 57               push        edi  
7813293A FF 15 68 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__ResumeThread@4 (78194068h)] 
78132940 83 F8 FF         cmp         eax,0FFFFFFFFh 
78132943 75 23            jne         error_return+1Ah (78132968h)   165:                 err = GetLastError();
78132945 FF 15 64 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__GetLastError@0 (78194064h)] 
7813294B 89 45 FC         mov         dword ptr [err],eax   166:                 goto error_return;  167:         }
168:  169:         /*  170:          * Good return  171:          */  172:         return(thdl);  173:   174:
/* 175:          * Error return  176:          */  177: error_return:  178:         /*  179:          * Either ptd is
NULL,or it points to the no-longer-necessary block  180:          * calloc-ed for the _tiddata struct which should now
befreed up.  181:          */  182:         _free_crt(ptd);
7813294E 56               push        esi  
7813294F E8 7E 21 00 00   call        free (78134AD2h)   183:   184:         /*  185:          * Map the error, if
necessary. 186:          */  187:         if ( err != 0L )
78132954 39 5D FC         cmp         dword ptr [err],ebx 
78132957 59               pop         ecx  
78132958 74 09            je          error_return+15h (78132963h)   188:                 _dosmaperr(err);
7813295A FF 75 FC         push        dword ptr [err] 
7813295D E8 76 19 00 00   call        _dosmaperr (781342D8h) 
78132962 59               pop         ecx    189:   190:         return( (uintptr_t)(-1) );
78132963 83 C8 FF         or          eax,0FFFFFFFFh 
78132966 EB 02            jmp         error_return+1Ch (7813296Ah)   166:                 goto error_return;  167:
  }  168:   169:         /*  170:          * Good return  171:          */  172:         return(thdl);
78132968 8B C7            mov         eax,edi 
7813296A 5E               pop         esi  
7813296B 5F               pop         edi  
7813296C 5B               pop         ebx    191: }
7813296D C9               leave            
7813296E C3               ret              
--- f:\rtm\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\threadex.c -------------------------  373: *       Never returns!  374: *
375:*Exceptions:  376: *  377: *******************************************************************************/  378:
379:void __cdecl _endthreadex (  380:         unsigned retcode  381:         )  382: {  383:         _ptiddata ptd;
     /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */  384:   385:         /*  386:          * Call fp termination, if
necessary 387:          */  388: #ifdef CRTDLL  389:         _fpclear();
7813296F E8 7B 68 01 00   call        _fpclear (781491EFh)   390: #else  /* CRTDLL */  391:         if (_FPmtterm !=
NULL&&  392:             _IsNonwritableInCurrentImage((PBYTE)&_FPmtterm))  393:         {  394:
(*_FPmtterm)(); 395:         }  396: #endif  /* CRTDLL */  397:   398:         ptd = _getptd_noexit();
78132974 E8 93 03 00 00   call        _getptd_noexit (78132D0Ch)   399:   400:         if (ptd) {
78132979 85 C0            test        eax,eax 
7813297B 74 07            je          _endthreadex+15h (78132984h)   401:             /*  402:              * Free up
the_tiddata structure & its subordinate buffers  403:              *      _freeptd() will also clear the value for this
thread 404:              *      of the FLS variable __flsindex.  405:              */  406:             _freeptd(ptd);
7813297D 50               push        eax  
7813297E E8 45 05 00 00   call        _freeptd (78132EC8h) 
78132983 59               pop         ecx    407:         }  408:   409:         /*  410:          * Terminate the
thread 411:          */  412:         ExitThread(retcode);
78132984 FF 74 24 04      push        dword ptr [esp+4] 
78132988 FF 15 5C 40 19 78 call        dword ptr [__imp__ExitThread@4 (7819405Ch)] 
7813298E CC               int         3      319:             /* need to transition to caller's domain and startup
there*/ 320:             ::msclr::call_in_appdomain(_ptd->__initDomain, _callthreadstartex);  321:   322:
return0L;  323:         }  324: #endif  /* defined (_M_CEE) || defined (MRTDLL) */  325:   326:
_callthreadstartex(); 327:   328:         /*  329:          * Never executed!  330:          */  331:
return(0L); 332: }  333:   334: static void _callthreadstartex(void)  335: {
7813298F 6A 0C            push        0Ch  
78132991 68 B8 4B 1B 78   push        offset ___rtc_tzz+84h (781B4BB8h) 
78132996 E8 DD 60 00 00   call        __SEH_prolog4 (78138A78h)   336:     _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to
thread's_tiddata struct */  337:   338:     /* must always exist at this point */  339:     ptd = _getptd();
7813299B E8 EF 03 00 00   call        _getptd (78132D8Fh)   340:   341:     /*  342:         * Guard call to user code
witha _try - _except statement to  343:         * implement runtime errors and signal support  344:         */  345:
__try {
781329A0 83 65 FC 00      and         dword ptr [ebp-4],0   346:             _endthreadex (  347:                 (
(unsigned(__CLR_OR_STD_CALL *)(v

Open WebMail Project (

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when viewing table results directly

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mike G
> Sent: 10 October 2006 23:26
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at times
> when viewing table results directly
> XP Pro, SP2.
> In threadex.c
> static void _callthreadstartex(void)
> {
>     _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */
>     /* must always exist at this point */
>     ptd = _getptd();
>     /*
>         * Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to
>         * implement runtime errors and signal support
>         */
>     __try {
>             _endthreadex (
>                 ( (unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL *)(void
> *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr) )
>     /******* Debugger Points Here *******/            (
> ((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg ) ) ;
>     }
>     __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(),
> GetExceptionInformation()) )
>     {
>             /*
>                 * Should never reach here
>                 */
>             _exit( GetExceptionCode() );
>     } /* end of _try - _except */
> }
> "Unhandled exception at 0x02024ceb in pgadmin3.exe
> 0xC0000005; access violation writing
> location 0x00000000
> Installed from executeable on

Hi Mike,

Is this in the query tool, or the view data grid?

Threadex.c is part of the CRT, so is pretty far removed from our code -
are you able to get a backtrace please?

> Beta 2 certainly is much better than Beta 1.

That's very odd, because there haven't been any changes in the threaded
query code between those versions. I wonder if this is another
perspective-related red herring. Can you try selecting the 'Default
View' option from the view emnu of the affected window please?

Thanks, Dave

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when

I have the crash when selecting a table, right clicking, selecting View
Data->View All Rows or sometimes the View Top 100 rows.

Pgadmin starts to display the data in the table and then aborts.

I have a minidump from the last crash if that would help.  Otherwise I
will try to build it from source and then run it.  

I can't say it happens all the time.  It is usually after the 3rd or 4th
time I open a table does it decide to crash.


On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 10:30 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Mike G
> > Sent: 10 October 2006 23:26
> > To:
> > Subject: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at times 
> > when viewing table results directly
> > 
> > XP Pro, SP2.
> > 
> > In threadex.c
> > 
> > static void _callthreadstartex(void)
> > {
> >     _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */
> > 
> >     /* must always exist at this point */
> >     ptd = _getptd();
> > 
> >     /*
> >         * Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to
> >         * implement runtime errors and signal support
> >         */
> >     __try {
> >             _endthreadex (
> >                 ( (unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL *)(void 
> > *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr) )
> >     /******* Debugger Points Here *******/            ( 
> > ((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg ) ) ;
> >     }
> >     __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), 
> > GetExceptionInformation()) )
> >     {
> >             /*
> >                 * Should never reach here
> >                 */
> >             _exit( GetExceptionCode() );
> > 
> >     } /* end of _try - _except */
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > "Unhandled exception at 0x02024ceb in pgadmin3.exe 
> > 0xC0000005; access violation writing
> > location 0x00000000
> > Installed from executeable on 
> Hi Mike,
> Is this in the query tool, or the view data grid?
> Threadex.c is part of the CRT, so is pretty far removed from our code -
> are you able to get a backtrace please?
> > 
> > Beta 2 certainly is much better than Beta 1.
> That's very odd, because there haven't been any changes in the threaded
> query code between those versions. I wonder if this is another
> perspective-related red herring. Can you try selecting the 'Default
> View' option from the view emnu of the affected window please?
> Thanks, Dave
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when

"Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha"
It really happens with me too. I am worried with it. Even

2006/10/11, mike <>:
> I have the crash when selecting a table, right clicking, selecting View
> Data->View All Rows or sometimes the View Top 100 rows.
> Pgadmin starts to display the data in the table and then aborts.
> I have a minidump from the last crash if that would help.  Otherwise I
> will try to build it from source and then run it.
> I can't say it happens all the time.  It is usually after the 3rd or 4th
> time I open a table does it decide to crash.
> Mike
> On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 10:30 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of Mike G
> > > Sent: 10 October 2006 23:26
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at times
> > > when viewing table results directly
> > >
> > > XP Pro, SP2.
> > >
> > > In threadex.c
> > >
> > > static void _callthreadstartex(void)
> > > {
> > >     _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */
> > >
> > >     /* must always exist at this point */
> > >     ptd = _getptd();
> > >
> > >     /*
> > >         * Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to
> > >         * implement runtime errors and signal support
> > >         */
> > >     __try {
> > >             _endthreadex (
> > >                 ( (unsigned (__CLR_OR_STD_CALL *)(void
> > > *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr) )
> > >     /******* Debugger Points Here *******/            (
> > > ((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg ) ) ;
> > >     }
> > >     __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(),
> > > GetExceptionInformation()) )
> > >     {
> > >             /*
> > >                 * Should never reach here
> > >                 */
> > >             _exit( GetExceptionCode() );
> > >
> > >     } /* end of _try - _except */
> > >
> > > }
> > >
> > > "Unhandled exception at 0x02024ceb in pgadmin3.exe
> > > 0xC0000005; access violation writing
> > > location 0x00000000
> > > Installed from executeable on
> >
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > Is this in the query tool, or the view data grid?
> >
> > Threadex.c is part of the CRT, so is pretty far removed from our code -
> > are you able to get a backtrace please?
> >
> > >
> > > Beta 2 certainly is much better than Beta 1.
> >
> > That's very odd, because there haven't been any changes in the threaded
> > query code between those versions. I wonder if this is another
> > perspective-related red herring. Can you try selecting the 'Default
> > View' option from the view emnu of the affected window please?
> >
> > Thanks, Dave
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Atenciosamente(Sincerely)                       Ezequias Rodrigues da
A pior das democracias ainda é melhor do que a melhor das ditaduras
The worst of democracies is still better than the better of dictatorships

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times

Dave Page

On 11/10/06 20:23, "mike" <> wrote:

> I have the crash when selecting a table, right clicking, selecting View
> Data->View All Rows or sometimes the View Top 100 rows.
> Pgadmin starts to display the data in the table and then aborts.
> I have a minidump from the last crash if that would help.  Otherwise I
> will try to build it from source and then run it.

Please send it over - I'll see if I can get any sense out of it. If you can
get it to crash in a debugger as well though, that will probably be very
helpful - whilst I did see some random crashes in the edit grid a few months
ago, I haven't seen any on Mac or Windows for a long time (and I'm using SVN
trunk almost daily on Windows).

> I can't say it happens all the time.  It is usually after the 3rd or 4th
> time I open a table does it decide to crash.


Thanks, Dave.

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times when

Dave Page

On 11/10/06 20:28, "Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha" <>

> It really happens with me too. I am worried with it. Even

Yes, but you haven't answered any of my questions on the subject which is
making it difficult to help you.

Regards, Dave.

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

"Mike G"
Dump attached.

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 20:33:15 +0100, Dave Page wrote
> On 11/10/06 20:23, "mike" <> wrote:
> > I have the crash when selecting a table, right clicking, selecting View
> > Data->View All Rows or sometimes the View Top 100 rows.
> >
> > Pgadmin starts to display the data in the table and then aborts.
> >
> > I have a minidump from the last crash if that would help.  Otherwise I
> > will try to build it from source and then run it.
> Please send it over - I'll see if I can get any sense out of it. If you can
> get it to crash in a debugger as well though, that will probably be very
> helpful - whilst I did see some random crashes in the edit grid a few months
> ago, I haven't seen any on Mac or Windows for a long time (and I'm using SVN
> trunk almost daily on Windows).
> > I can't say it happens all the time.  It is usually after the 3rd or 4th
> > time I open a table does it decide to crash.
> Hmm.
> Thanks, Dave.

Open WebMail Project (


Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike G []
> Sent: 11 October 2006 20:46
> To: Dave Page
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at
> times whenviewing table results directly
> Dump attached.

Hi Mike,

I've found a couple of issues that might be causing this...

The first was that the edit grid was allowing the refresh button to be
pressed at will, which meant it was possible to start a second refresh
whilst the first query thread was still running. I could reproduce this
by simply banging F5 a few times without waiting for the previous data
load to end. I've fixed this by locking out all methods of refreshing
until the previous call (which may be the initial data load) has

The second issue would have affected the Query Tool as well, so may be
what Harald was seeing. Essentially, the pgQueryThread class was calling
logging functions in it's query thread which does not appear to be safe.
I've moved all logging so it's in the main app thread and could no
longer reproduce this issue (though I couldn't exactly reproduce it at
will previously, so that isn't proof I've actually fixed it).

These changes will be in the upcoming beta 3.

Regards, Dave.

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

"Mike G"
Hi Dave,

I have been testing beta 3 this morning and it crashed on me again.  The debugger
pointed in the same location as last time.

I was trying to view a table that a few seconds ago had over 70000 records in it, had
just truncated it and only inserted 5 records back into it.  Of course trying to
reproduce it again didn't work.

I have been trying to build from the source code but have encountered some errors.  Can
the project file included in the beta sources be used to build the beta versions?  

If you or someone else would be willing to help me get through the errors I will try to
run a debug version.


On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:31:07 +0100, Dave Page wrote
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike G [] 
> > Sent: 11 October 2006 20:46
> > To: Dave Page
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at 
> > times whenviewing table results directly
> > 
> > Dump attached.
> >
> Hi Mike,
> I've found a couple of issues that might be causing this...
> The first was that the edit grid was allowing the refresh button to be
> pressed at will, which meant it was possible to start a second refresh
> whilst the first query thread was still running. I could reproduce this
> by simply banging F5 a few times without waiting for the previous data
> load to end. I've fixed this by locking out all methods of refreshing
> until the previous call (which may be the initial data load) has
> completed.
> The second issue would have affected the Query Tool as well, so may be
> what Harald was seeing. Essentially, the pgQueryThread class was calling
> logging functions in it's query thread which does not appear to be safe.
> I've moved all logging so it's in the main app thread and could no
> longer reproduce this issue (though I couldn't exactly reproduce it at
> will previously, so that isn't proof I've actually fixed it).
> These changes will be in the upcoming beta 3.
> Regards, Dave.

Open WebMail Project (