Thread: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

Harald Armin Massa
Hello,<br /><br />I tried to install pgAgent on Windows XP Prof. SP2. <br /><br />Documentation and help suggest:<br
/><pre> <br />  options:<br />    -u <user><br />    -p <password><br />    -d <displayname><br />
-t<poll time interval in seconds (default 10)> 
<br />    -r <retry period after connection abort in seconds (>=10, default 30)><br />    -l <logging
verbosity(ERROR=0, WARNING=1, DEBUG=2, default 0)><br /></pre>using <br /><br />-u<space>username<br /><br
/>or<br />-p<space>password<br /><br />leads to <br />ERROR: Invalid command line argument<br /><br />only
withouta space I can move on to "illegal account name"<br /><br />Maybe it could be fixed in documentation or in
commandline parser (so that both accept a space between -u; or that documentation does not show a space between -u and
username)<br /><br />Harald<br /><br /><br /><br clear="all" /><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuasion python
postgresql<br/>Harald Armin Massa<br />Reinsburgstraße 202b<br />70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607  

Re: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

"Dave Page"

From: [] On Behalf Of Harald Armin Massa
Sent: 02 November 2005 10:54
Subject: [pgadmin-support] request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation


I tried to install pgAgent on Windows XP Prof. SP2.

Documentation and help suggest:
-u <user>
-p <password>
-d <displayname>
-t <poll time interval in seconds (default 10)>
-r <retry period after connection abort in seconds (>=10, default 30)>
-l <logging verbosity (ERROR=0, WARNING=1, DEBUG=2, default 0)>



leads to
ERROR: Invalid command line argument

only without a space I can move on to "illegal account name"

Maybe it could be fixed in documentation or in command line parser (so that both accept a space between -u; or that documentation does not show a space between -u and username) 
Hi Harald,
I cannot reproduce this on XP SP2 here. It installs and starts correctly either with, or without a space between the option letter and the value, on both the username and the password. Are you sure you didn't mistype something?
Regards, Dave. 

Re: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

Harald Armin Massa
Dave,<br /><br />C:\Programme\pgAdmin III\1.4>pgagent.exe INSTALL pgAgent -unasenbaer<br />ERROR: Der Kontenname ist
unzulõssigoder nicht vorhanden, oder das Kennwort ist<br /> f³r den angegebenen Kontennamen ung³ltig.<br /><br /><br
/>C:\Programme\pgAdminIII\1.4>pgagent.exe INSTALL pgAgent -u nasenbaer<br />ERROR: Invalid command line argument<br
/><br/>C:\Programme\pgAdmin III\1.4><br /><br />thats a cutout from my commandline. <br /><br /><br />"ERROR: Der
Kontennameist unzulõssig oder nicht vorhanden, oder das Kennwort ist <br />  f³r den angegebenen Kontennamen ung³ltig."
issth. like "wrong account name"<br /><br />I am not able to supply a valid account name, esp. since I found no way to
supplyuser@doman as a username ... <br /><br />My workaround was to do install without user and password, and to change
themin services.msc<br /><br />Harald<br /><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuasion python postgresql<br
/>HaraldArmin Massa<br />Reinsburgstraße 202b<br />70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607  

Re: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

"Dave Page"

From: Harald Armin Massa []
Sent: 02 November 2005 12:12
To: Dave Page
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation


C:\Programme\pgAdmin III\1.4>pgagent.exe INSTALL pgAgent -unasenbaer
ERROR: Der Kontenname ist unzulõssig oder nicht vorhanden, oder das Kennwort ist
 f³r den angegebenen Kontennamen ung³ltig.

C:\Programme\pgAdmin III\1.4>pgagent.exe INSTALL pgAgent -u nasenbaer
ERROR: Invalid command line argument

C:\Programme\pgAdmin III\1.4>

thats a cutout from my commandline.

"ERROR: Der Kontenname ist unzulõssig oder nicht vorhanden, oder das Kennwort ist
 f³r den angegebenen Kontennamen ung³ltig." is sth. like "wrong account name"
OK, I've committed a fix to tidy up the space/no space issue. It only occured if the space was included on the last argument supplied. Thanks for the info.
I am not able to supply a valid account name, esp. since I found no way to supply user@doman as a username ...

My workaround was to do install without user and password, and to change them in services.msc
I've had no problems using a domain user account with a command line like:
pgagent INSTALL pgAgent -u DOMAIN\user -p FooBar dbname=postgres user=postgres port=5433
user@domain syntax is not supported however, but that's down to the Microsoft API, not us.
Regards, Dave.

Re: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

Harald Armin Massa
Wow, thank you very very much, Dave!<br /><br /> think you can put that DOMAIN\user syntax into the documentation?<br
/><br/> Everytime I stumble upon I get mixed up if it is<br /><br /> user@domain<br /> or<br /> domain/user<br /> or
<br/> domain\user<br /> or <br /> \\domain\user<br /><br /> or even<br /> \\domain/user<br /><br /> ... so, to have it
inthat documentation could really help.<br /><br /> Thanks for all that gould work,<br /><br /> Harald<br /><br
clear="all"/><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuasion python postgresql<br />Harald Armin Massa<br
/>Reinsburgstraße202b<br />70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607  

Re: request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

"Dave Page"

From: Harald Armin Massa []
Sent: 03 November 2005 10:04
To: Dave Page
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] request for documentation correction on pgAgent-Installation

Wow, thank you very very much, Dave!
You're welcome :-)
think you can put that DOMAIN\user syntax into the documentation? 

Everytime I stumble upon I get mixed up if it is


or even

... so, to have it in that documentation could really help.
As far as I'm aware, the only Microsoft supported syntaxes are:
DOMAIN\user (which is NT/2K/2K3 compatible)
user@domain (which is only 2K/2K3 compatible).
Regards, Dave