Thread: pgadmin 1.4.0-beta2 win feedback

pgadmin 1.4.0-beta2 win feedback

Hi guys

Just some of my thoughts:


When i refresh the root Node ( Servers(1) ), it leads to an empty gui.
Might be a bug.


File => open *.conf
Why is it necessary to locate the conf file?
I expected, that he will open the conf file of my selected server. (Or 
maybe he will remember the last chosen file)


Select Table => "view the data inside the table"
Opens some kind of data viewer.

I got one byta field containing some ziped information. It would be fine 
for me, when pg would offer the possibility to store the content of an 
selected table cell into a file for debug purposes.
Copy&Paste is quite useless, because the file would contain all escape 

Should be rather easy to implement such feature.


sql editor:

pls add another button: "execute selected query"
which should just execute the statment surrounding the current blinking 
line cursor.

Its quite annoying to copy&paste several statements between the sql 
editor and some kind of editor ;o)

Or is the magic plan, that we should copy paste older statments from the 
Just try toad free ;o) (if available) and you will know which kind of 
feature i mean.


another idea:

Maybe include the "data viewer" as additonal tab inside the main view. 
(next to the properties|statistics|dependsOn|referencedBy tabs).
Would be fine to see the latest ?50? rows of each table within one 

I still like dbvisualizer because it gots such an ability.

And i think it would be possible to extend pgadmin for such a purpose.


thx for adding "drop cascade" to be able to drop several tables at once ;o)

maybe as addon:
allow the user to select several tables inside the selection tree
like strg + click


1. move the mouse over one table inside the selection tree
2. hold down the mouse button
3.  move the mouse little bit
4. release the mouse button
=> the old selection gets selected
i think its not the best possible strategy
the new one should be selected.(Maybe depending on the mouse movement? - when the buttonRelease Event 
fires outside the tab it would be okay to reselect the old one. But 
inside the same label?)


Re: pgadmin 1.4.0-beta2 win feedback

"Dave Page"

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Cybernd
Sent: Mon 10/17/2005 9:34 PM
Subject: [pgadmin-support] pgadmin 1.4.0-beta2 win feedback
> Hi guys
> Just some of my thoughts:

> When i refresh the root Node ( Servers(1) ), it leads to an empty gui.
> Might be a bug.

Yup, known bug, being worked on.

> File => open *.conf
> Why is it necessary to locate the conf file?
> I expected, that he will open the conf file of my selected server. (Or
> maybe he will remember the last chosen file)

That option is for editting any arbitrary config file. To edit the one on the connected server you need the
instrumenation/adminpack installed on the server (it is by default with PostgreSQL on Windows). Then, you can use the
optionon the Tools -> Server configuration menu. 

> Select Table => "view the data inside the table"
> Opens some kind of data viewer.
> I got one byta field containing some ziped information. It would be fine
> for me, when pg would offer the possibility to store the content of an
> selected table cell into a file for debug purposes.
> Copy&Paste is quite useless, because the file would contain all escape
> sequences.
> Should be rather easy to implement such feature.

Not necessarily - and it doesn't really fit with the purpose of the Edit Grid. That's more the job of the Query Tool
whichcan already export data, though it might be useful to allow the export of a single cell (currently it exports the
wholeresultset, though that might be only one cell of course). 

> pls add another button: "execute selected query"
> which should just execute the statment surrounding the current blinking
> line cursor.
> Its quite annoying to copy&paste several statements between the sql
> editor and some kind of editor ;o)
> Or is the magic plan, that we should copy paste older statments from the
> history?
> Just try toad free ;o) (if available) and you will know which kind of
> feature i mean.

No, it's works in the same way as MS SQL Server's Query Analyzer. Just select the query you want to run, and when you
hitexecute, only the highlighted text will be sent to the server. 

> Maybe include the "data viewer" as additonal tab inside the main view.
> (next to the properties|statistics|dependsOn|referencedBy tabs).
> Would be fine to see the latest ?50? rows of each table within one
> mouseklick.

You can already view the contents of the table in a single click. The way it is a present, you can open multiple tables
atonce though. 

> maybe as addon:
> allow the user to select several tables inside the selection tree
> lile strg + click

Few, if any treeviews allow you to select multiple nodes at once so this is unlikely to be possible.

Thanks for the suggestions,

Regards, Dave.