Thread: Little Help please

Little Help please

"Dave & Eileen Brooks"

I recently downloaded pgadmin II and installed it on windows 98.


I have postgresql running on readhat 7 standard installation.


I Start postmaster & to run in the bg.

Netstat shows that PGDATA is listening on port 5432


When I try to connect pgadmin as postgres, I get a “-2147467259” error message.


I have been unable to connect to your mail list and can not find any resources to help with the problem.

Is there an online manual or document that can help me with this problem?



Dave R. Brooks

Re: Little Help please

Dave Page
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave & Eileen Brooks []
Sent: 06 October 2001 18:27
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Little Help please

I recently downloaded pgadmin II and installed it on windows 98.


I have postgresql running on readhat 7 standard installation.


I Start postmaster & to run in the bg.

Netstat shows that PGDATA is listening on port 5432


When I try to connect pgadmin as postgres, I get a "-2147467259" error message.


I have been unable to connect to your mail list and can not find any resources to help with the problem.

Is there an online manual or document that can help me with this problem?


Hi Dave,


What is the message you get with the error number - thats a fairly generic number that normally means that the ODBC driver returned an error?


The manual can be found on the Help menu, however it is currenty a copy of the website and doesn't yet include an faq or troubleshooting guide.


Regards, Dave.

Re: Little Help please

Dave Page
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave & Eileen Brooks []
Sent: 06 October 2001 22:20
To: Dave Page
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] Little Help please

I am trying to connect using ip:port, not odbc



Actually pgAdmin uses the ODBC driver to make the connection, you just don't see that! The error you are getting does mean exactly what it says - it can't connect to the server. Some things to check:


1) Can you ping your server using the hostname/ip address that you are specifying in the pgAdmin logon dialogue?


2) Is the postmaster really running on the tcp/ip port specified in the pgAdmin logon dialogue - make sure either the relevant option is set in your postgresql.conf file in $PGDATA, or that the postmaster was started with the -i option. Netstat will show the default domain socket as well as the tcp/ip socket - don't get them confused :-)


3) Does $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf on you server allow access to the template1 database from your client PC?


Please let me know if this fixes your problem.


Regards, Dave.

Dave Page (
