Thread: pgAdmin 4 commit: Improvised Select2Cell, and SwitchCell.

pgAdmin 4 commit: Improvised Select2Cell, and SwitchCell.

Ashesh Vashi
Improvised Select2Cell, and SwitchCell.

Removed the use of separate editor for both of these cell types. There
were two instance of select2 were getting created in the Select2Cell,
one in the Select2Cell itself, and another in Select2CellEditor. And,
loosing the focus mysteriously, and making the scrollbar in the property
dialog non-responsive.

Also, modified the NodeAjaxOptionsCell to use the above logic, and
removed its own version of render function to make it consitent across
the system.

This patch [changes sent by Murtuza] also includes improvisation in the
DeleteCell, and ObjectCell, which will honour now 'canRemoveRow', and
''canEditRow' respective properties of Column.



Modified Files
web/pgadmin/browser/static/js/node.ui.js           |  85 +-----
web/pgadmin/static/js/backgrid/backgrid.pgadmin.js | 302 ++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)