Thread: Re: pgAdmin3 Primary Key Problem

Re: pgAdmin3 Primary Key Problem

Andreas Pflug
Paul Reznicek wrote:

> Übrigens, dass Problem mit "nach pgAdmin3 kopieren" habe ich schon
> seit den ersten Tests
> (=ca. 1 Monat, oder so)

<< copying clipboard out of pgAdmin3 to any app works, but not other way
round except for some apps >>

Please check if copying from Mozilla to pgAdmin3 works. If it does, you
have the "unfixed Unicode Clipboard" bug.
This is fixed in our private wx source package, but still not in the
original cvs (vadz doesn't like the way it's implemented; I don't either
but it works).
AFAIR you said to use our binary Mandrake distribution. If so, we have a
problem with the build of that version, Jean-Michel, could you check if
src/gtk/dataobj.cpp contains g_altTextAtom? If not, the patch is missing.


Re: Clipboard copy problem

Andreas Pflug

please post on pgadmin-hackers, so that all hackers can see it.

> Dear Andreas,
> I renamed the message to better fit the problem.
> 1. With snapshot
> and before, the copy TO pgAdmin3 fails, also from Mozilla.
> 2. With snapshot
> I can't start with following error:
> An error has occurred:
> Can not enumerate files in directory '/usr/share/pgadmin3//ui/common'
> (error 2: ls)
> ...
> Both installed on a Mandrake 9.1 box using IceWM and trying also with KDE

There seems to be a problem about this snapshot.
Jean-Michel, the version no is wrong; it should read 0.9.3 because it's
hopefully compiled from post-Beta-2 snapshots.


> I hope, this helps
> Paul
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Andreas Pflug wrote:
>> Paul Reznicek wrote:
>>> Übrigens, dass Problem mit "nach pgAdmin3 kopieren" habe ich schon
>>> seit den ersten Tests
>>> (=ca. 1 Monat, oder so)
>> << copying clipboard out of pgAdmin3 to any app works, but not other
>> way round except for some apps >>
>> Please check if copying from Mozilla to pgAdmin3 works. If it does,
>> you have the "unfixed Unicode Clipboard" bug.
>> This is fixed in our private wx source package, but still not in the
>> original cvs (vadz doesn't like the way it's implemented; I don't
>> either but it works).
>> AFAIR you said to use our binary Mandrake distribution. If so, we
>> have a problem with the build of that version, Jean-Michel, could you
>> check if src/gtk/dataobj.cpp contains g_altTextAtom? If not, the
>> patch is missing.
>> Regards,
>> Andreas