Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: [HACKERS] Support for Secure Transport SSL library on macOS asOpenSSL alternative Thomas Munro
- Re: [HACKERS] Re: ICU collation variant keywords and pg_collationentries (Was: [BUGS] Crash report for some ICU-52 (debian8) COLLATE andwork_mem values) Peter Geoghegan
- Re: [HACKERS] [RFC] What would be difficult to make data models pluggable for making PostgreSQL a multi-model database? MauMau
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Noah Misch
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Pavel Stehule
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Noah Misch
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Pavel Stehule
- Re: [HACKERS] pgbench tap tests & minor fixes Nikolay Shaplov
- [HACKERS] Updating line length guidelines Andres Freund
- Re: [HACKERS] Updating line length guidelines Joshua D. Drake
- Re: [HACKERS] Updating line length guidelines Andres Freund
- Re: [HACKERS] POC: Sharing record typmods between backends Andres Freund
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Noah Misch
- Fwd: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Pattern based listeners for asynchronousmessaging (LISTEN/NOTIFY) Markus Sintonen
- Re: [HACKERS] pgbench tap tests & minor fixes Fabien COELHO
- Re: [HACKERS] possible encoding issues with libxml2 functions Pavel Stehule