Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- is there a deep unyielding reason to limit U&'' literals to ASCII? Chapman Flack
- Re: insert/update performance Jinhua Luo
- Re: insert/update performance Jinhua Luo
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Victor Wagner
- Re: Why format() adds double quote? Tatsuo Ishii
- Re: Proposal: Trigonometric functions in degrees Dean Rasheed
- Re: PoC: Partial sort Alexander Korotkov
- Re: PoC: Partial sort Alexander Korotkov
- Re: Re: pglogical_output - a general purpose logical decoding output plugin Tomasz Rybak
- Re: Releasing in September Greg Stark
- Re: pglogical_output - a general purpose logical decoding output plugin Tomasz Rybak
- Re: Re: pglogical_output - a general purpose logical decoding output plugin Andres Freund
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Thom Brown
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Thom Brown
- Re: Proposal: Trigonometric functions in degrees Tom Lane
- Re: Proposal: Trigonometric functions in degrees Peter Eisentraut
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Victor Wagner
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Victor Wagner
- Re: proposal: function parse_ident Pavel Stehule
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Thom Brown
- Re: Patch: Implement failover on libpq connect level. Thom Brown
- Re: Removing Functionally Dependent GROUP BY Columns David Rowley
- Re: easy way of copying regex_t Artur Zakirov
- Re: Removing Functionally Dependent GROUP BY Columns Tom Lane
- Re: Removing Functionally Dependent GROUP BY Columns David Rowley
- Re: easy way of copying regex_t Tom Lane
- Re: Why format() adds double quote? Dickson S. Guedes