Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: preserving forensic information when we freeze Stephen Frost
- [PATCH] work_mem calculation possible overflow David Rowley
- Re: [bug fix] connection service file doesn't take effect with ECPG apps MauMau
- Re: PoC: Partial sort Alexander Korotkov
- Re: PoC: Partial sort David Rowley
- control to don't toast one new type Mohsen SM
- Re: [bug fix] connection service file doesn't take effect with ECPG apps Michael Meskes
- Re: [bug fix] ECPG app crashes due to SIGBUS on SPARC Solaris Michael Meskes
- Re: WITHIN GROUP patch Andrew Gierth
- Re: [PATCH] Regression tests in windows ignore white space Amit Kapila
- Re: PoC: Partial sort Alexander Korotkov
- Re: [bug fix] connection service file doesn't take effect with ECPG apps MauMau
- Re: [PATCH] Regression tests in windows ignore white space David Rowley
- Re: truncating pg_multixact/members Kevin Grittner
- Re: planner missing a trick for foreign tables w/OR conditions Tom Lane