Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: pseudo-type record arguments for PL-functions Tom Lane
- Fwd: [pgsql-hackers-win32] Build with Visual Studio & MSVC Gurjeet Singh
- Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] Build with Visual Studio & MSVC Gurjeet Singh
- Demoting the "width" part of EXPLAIN Greg Sabino Mullane
- Compiling PL/Perl and Pl/Python on x86_64 imacat
- Re: Demoting the "width" part of EXPLAIN Jim C. Nasby
- Re: Demoting the "width" part of EXPLAIN Tom Lane
- Re: Compiling PL/Perl and Pl/Python on x86_64 Tom Lane
- Re: Compiling PL/Perl and Pl/Python on x86_64 imacat
- Re: Fwd: [pgsql-hackers-win32] Build with Visual Studio & MSVC Thomas Hallgren