Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Update ExecInitPartitionInfo comment Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Fix typo Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Add missing and dangling downlink checks to amcheck Teodor Sigaev
- pgsql: Change pgindent/README to specify that we use perltidy version2 Tom Lane
- pgsql: Reindent Perl files with perltidy version 20170521. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Add amcheck missing downlink tests. Teodor Sigaev
- pgsql: Prevent generation of bogus subquery scan paths. Robert Haas
- pgsql: Make's representation of toast and index decls morea Tom Lane
- pgsql: Convert unused_oids and duplicate_oids to use Catalog.pminfrast Tom Lane