Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Itagaki Takahiro
- Re: pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Tom Lane
- Re: pgsql: Add DISCARD to the command_no_begin list for AUTOCOMMIT=off. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Only DISCARD ALL should be in the command_no_begin list. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Only DISCARD ALL should be in the command_no_begin list. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Only DISCARD ALL should be in the command_no_begin list. Itagaki Takahiro
- pgsql: Only DISCARD ALL should be in the command_no_begin list. Itagaki Takahiro
- textsearch-ja - textsearch_groonga: Support bool and integer types in (User Itagaki)
- pgsql: Fix duplicate OIDs introduced by SECURITY LABEL patch. Robert Haas
- pgsql: Fix MSVC builds for dummy_seclabel breakage. Andrew Dunstan
- pgsql: Add missing agg_type nonterminal description in new reference pa Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Add mention of installing pg_upgrade_support in pg_upgrade doc s Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Add mention of installing pg_upgrade_support in pg_upgrade doc s Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix PlaceHolderVar mechanism's interaction with outer joins. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix PlaceHolderVar mechanism's interaction with outer joins. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix PlaceHolderVar mechanism's interaction with outer joins. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Mention in pg_upgrade docs that the proper Win32 service name sh Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Mention that pg_upgrade requires write permission in the current Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Mention in pg_upgrade docs that the proper Win32 service name sh Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Mention that pg_upgrade requires write permission in the current Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix another small oversight in command_no_begin patch. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix another small oversight in command_no_begin patch. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix another small oversight in command_no_begin patch. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix another small oversight in command_no_begin patch. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Properly close files after read file failure to prevent potentia Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Properly close files after read file failure to prevent potentia Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix incorrect usage of non-strict OR joinclauses in appendrel in Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix leak patch that was using fclose() instead of close(). Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix leak patch that was using fclose() instead of close(). Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: In pg_upgrade, properly handle oids > 2^31 by using strtoul() in Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: In pg_upgrade, properly handle oids > 2^31 by using strtoul() in Bruce Momjian
- Re: pgsql: In pg_upgrade, properly handle oids > 2^31 by using strtoul() in Tom Lane
- pgsql: Improve messages for too many private files/dirs. Per Alexey Pa Tom Lane
- pgsql: Use macro atooid() for conversion of strings to oids, per sugges Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Use macro atooid() for conversion of strings to oids, per sugges Bruce Momjian
- Re: pgsql: In pg_upgrade, properly handle oids > 2^31 by using strtoul() in Bruce Momjian
- Re: pgsql: In pg_upgrade, properly handle oids > 2^31 by using strtoul() in Tom Lane
- pgsql: Have pg_upgrade use strtoul(), not strtol(). Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Have pg_upgrade use strtoul(), not strtol(). Bruce Momjian