Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: BUG #1931: ILIKE and LIKE fails on Turkish locale Victor Snezhko
- Re: BUG #1931: ILIKE and LIKE fails on Turkish locale Tom Lane
- BUG #2609: server crash at 182 connections still alive. Joek Hondius
- Re: BUG #2600: dblink compile with SSL missing Christopher Browne
- Wishlist: Please ad a switch to dectivate the comments in the dump Daniel Migowski
- BUG #2608: dblink compile fails on AIX 5.3 Michael Hoffmann
- Re: Hanging queries on Windows 2003 SP1 Wei Song
- Re: BUG #2600: dblink compile with SSL missing libraries Chris Browne
- Юрuдuчеcкий muниmуm БУХГАЛТЕРУ
- Re: BUG #2600: dblink compile with SSL missing libraries Chris Browne
- Re: [HACKERS] Template0 age is increasing speedily. Merlin Moncure
- Re: [PATCHES] BUG #2600: dblink compile with SSL missing libraries Albe Laurenz
- Re: BUG #2606: (libpq) incorrect function declaration Bruce Momjian
- Re: BUG #2609: server crash at 182 connections still alive. Shelby Cain
- Re: Wishlist: Please ad a switch to dectivate the comments in the dump Tom Lane