"Patrick Bye (WFF)" <PBYE@Westfair.CA> writes:
> CREATE FUNCTION getprice(text, text, text, text) RETURNS float8 AS 'DECLARE
> v_itemnum ALIAS FOR $1;
> v_custnum ALIAS FOR $2;
> v_pcid ALIAS FOR $3;
> v_branch ALIAS FOR $4;
> END getprice;
> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
Try changing the `END getprice;' to just `END;' like the examples in
the manual. Note that the error message should have pointed you to
the specific line in the function where this error lay (with lines
counting from the beginning of the function, not the file).
Brandon Craig Rhodes http://www.rhodesmill.org/brandon
Georgia Tech brandon@oit.gatech.edu