On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:26:32 +0300 (MSK), oleg@sai.msu.su (Oleg
Bartunov) wrote:
in <Pine.LNX.4.64.0703100824300.400@sn.sai.msu.ru>
>I don't know if you could change your schema. but I'd consider your
>problem as a overlapping arrays task and use contrib/intarray for that.
I can very definitely change my schema at this point. I'm refactoring
an application from SQL Server to PostgreSQL and I'm doing a lot of
exploring trying to find the best fits. I'll see what I can glean from
you've indicated but that sounds like what I'm looking for. The string
converts easily to an array but then what's the best way to get from an
array to a table?
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Stefan Berglund