Is there any way to debug a procedural language shared library when you can't createlang?
I get this...
L-897V601: {1} createlang pltcl template1
DEBUG: InitPostgres
DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG: PortalRun
DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG: PortalRun
DEBUG: CommitTransactionCommand
DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
DEBUG: ProcessUtility
createlang: language installation failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
L-897V601: {2}
and in the log...
DEBUG: 00000: ProcessUtility
LOCATION: PortalRunUtility, pquery.c:741
STATEMENT: CREATE FUNCTION "pltcl_call_handler" () RETURNS language_handler AS
'$libdir/pltcl' LANGUAGE C;
CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE "pltcl" HANDLER "pltcl_call_handler";
DEBUG: 00000: reaping dead processes
LOCATION: reaper, postmaster.c:1819
DEBUG: 00000: child process (PID 2365) was terminated by signal 6
LOCATION: LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2087
LOG: 00000: server process (PID 2365) was terminated by signal 6
LOCATION: LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2087
LOG: 00000: terminating any other active server processes
LOCATION: CleanupProc, postmaster.c:2008
LOG: 00000: all server processes terminated; reinitializing
LOCATION: reaper, postmaster.c:1920
DEBUG: 00000: shmem_exit(0)
LOCATION: shmem_exit, ipc.c:126
DEBUG: 00000: invoking IpcMemoryCreate(size=7798784)
LOCATION: CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores, ipci.c:73
LOG: 00000: database system was interrupted at 2004-09-02 07:01:17 PDT
LOCATION: StartupXLOG, xlog.c:2610
None of which is helping me any.
All its friends seem to be there...
L-897V601: {7} ldd
-ltcl84.1 => /usr/pkg/lib/
-lpthread.0 => /usr/lib/
-lm.0 => /usr/lib/
-lm.0 => /usr/lib/
-lc.12 => /usr/lib/
Any advice will be appreciated.