I tried to throw some invalid SQL to PostgreSQL and found its reaction
$ psql test psql (8.4beta2) Type "help" for help.
test=# CREATE TABLE t1 ( test(# id serial NOT NULL, test(# name text NOT NULL, test(# PRIMARY KEY (id) test(# );
CREATETABLE test=# CREATE TABLE t2 ( test(# id int NOT NULL REFERENCES t1, test(# language char(3) NULL, test(#
txttext NOT NULL, test(# PRIMARY KEY (id, language) test(# ); CREATE TABLE
Here's my first gripe: PostgreSQL accepts this silently instead of complaining.
test=# INSERT INTO t1 (id, name) VALUES (1, 'text 1'); INSERT 0 1 test=# INSERT INTO t2 (id, language, txt) VALUES (2,
NULL,'text 1 no language'); ERROR: null value in column "language" violates not-null constraint
And here's my second gripe: although PostgreSQL correctly rejects the
INSERT it just has ignored my NULL specification.