Hi all,
The following patch is small, but given the current point in the cycle I
fully understand that it may be held for an 8.0.1 or 8.1. I'm sorry that I
didn't stumble across it sooner...
It fixes a segfault due to the XML parser not being cleared up as required
when the xpath_list function is applied to an invalid document. The change
just ensures that the early exit (on NULL input) from the
pgxml_result_to_text function calls xmlCleanupParser, as the main exit
John Gray
Index: contrib/xml2/xpath.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/xml2/xpath.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 xpath.c
*** contrib/xml2/xpath.c 2 Dec 2004 22:21:12 -0000 1.5
--- contrib/xml2/xpath.c 9 Jan 2005 17:17:06 -0000
*** 582,588 ****
--- 582,591 ----
text *xpres;
if (res == NULL)
+ {
+ xmlCleanupParser();
return NULL;
+ }
switch (res->type)