Theodore Petrosky wrote:
> So, I was logged on as postgres. but there is no
> database called 'postgres' (or maybe I don't
> understand the internals). Keep in mind that I am only
> looking for understanding of the process... and I want
> to make sure that doing this doesn't create problems
> later.
> Ted
Postgres is not a 'database', it is the account name which owns the commands
and the directories with which and into which the database structure is
created using "initdb". If you followed the short installation version you
would have done something like this:
jerry$ su
root@jerry# mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
root@jerry# chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
root@jerry# su - postgres
-bash-2.05b$ initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
Then you could log in using psql and create your user name and db template,