Quoth andrew@libertyrms.info (Andrew Sullivan):
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 05:59:18PM -0400, Robert Treat wrote:
>> 1) The target audience of the advocacy site is PHB's, not technical
>> people.
> This, by the way, is Real Important. Some of Peter's complaints
> ('world standard is meaningless because you don't know what the
> comparison class is') are not things that would sway a PHB at all, in
> my experience. Indeed, I made _exactly_ that argument about a year
> and a half ago, and was overruled by a PHB who thought it was good
> sales copy. (In case one wonders what has happened to the English
> language.)
Unfortunately, the present mix seems to be compromising the notion of
being on any sort of "moral high ground," and risks flamage from those
that _do_ know the degree of meaninglessness of the "marketing copy."
It used to be "fair game" to bash the people at MySQL AB for having
marketing copy that was misleading and/or dishonest. They have
cleaned their game up, at least a bit, by taking out the more
grievious misstatements about PostgreSQL.
I think the material is quite repairable; some changes of wording
ought to do...
No, I believe it's his real name... he's "unique".
Think Duh-fferent.