(Aleksey Serba) wrote:
> Hello!
> I have 24/7 production server under high load.
> I need to perform vacuum full on several tables to recover disk
> space / memory usage frequently ( the server must be online during
> vacuum time )
The main thought is: "Don't do that."
It is almost certainly the wrong idea to do a VACUUM FULL.
Assuming that the tables in question aren't so large that they cause
mass eviction of buffers, it should suffice to do a plain VACUUM (and
NOT a "VACUUM FULL") on the tables in question quite frequently.
If the tables _are_ rather large, then you might want to look into the
"lazier" vacuum patch which causes the vacuum process to sleep once in
a while so as to diminish the "eviction" effects. A version of this
was proposed for 7.3, and I know Jan Wieck has had a patch for 7.4.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
I am not a number!
I am a free man!