to represent objects of a filesystem I am using these tables:
CREATE TABLE fsObject -- an abstract filesystem-object
( fsOid serial, name text NOT NULL, parent int -- a
) INHERITS (fsObject);
CREATE TABLE directory -- can be the parent of a fsObject
) INHERITS (fsObject);
Because chapter 9 (Inheritance) of the "User Guide" the documentation
is saying "Many of the commands that we have already discussed --
select, update and *delete* -- support this "*" notation...", I tried
to handle the deletion of a directory with this rule:
CREATE RULE chg_fsO_on_dir_delete AS ON DELETE
TO directory
DO DELETE FROM fsObject* WHERE parent = OLD.fsOid;
But PostgreSQL is complaining with the message
'ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "*"'
What is to correct syntax for the "*" in a DELETE-statement?
eMail: enrico.scholz@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de
talk: ensc@ultra.csn.tu-chemnitz.de