I have problem with pg_dump with CVS snapshot 19990526:
david=> \c test
connecting to new database: test
test=> \d
Database = test+------------------+----------------------------------+----------+| Owner |
Relation | Type |+------------------+----------------------------------+----------+| david |
tst | table || david | xinx35274 | index
test=> select * from tst;
(1 row)
test=> \d tst
Table = tst
| Field | Type | Length|
| entry | oid | 4 |
But pg_dump prints:
$ pg_dump test
CREATE TABLE "tst" ("entry" oid);
COPY "tst" FROM stdin;
failed sanity check, table xinv35274 was not found
But xinv35274 exist:
david=> \c test
connecting to new database: test
test=> select * from pg_class where relname like 'xin%';
xinv35274| 0| 501| 0| 0| 0|t |f |l | 2| 0| 0|
0| 0| 0|f |f |
xinx35274| 0| 501| 403| 2| 2048|f |f |i | 1| 0| 0|
0| 0| 0|f |f |
(2 rows)
I think, that this is problem (mainly if I need backup).
* David Sauer, student of Czech Technical University
* electronic mail: davids@orfinet.cz (mime compatible)