alkampfer wrote on 22.11.2011 18:37:
> Hello, this is my problem :
> I use java + postgres and I want to store image files into a table
> my table : (id int, image bytea)
> the code :
> byte bytes[] = new byte[(int)file.length()];
> sqlq ="UPDATE table set image= ? where id=?";
> ps = .....prepareStatement(sqlq);
> ps.setBytes(2,bytes);
> ps.setString(2,id);
> put the file into my table, stream of 41054 bytes, OK.
> but when I retrieve it from the database resultSet.getBytes("image") gives
> an array of 82108 bytes!!
> worst of all those bytes I get have no sense at all, like 00 00 00 or 11
> 11....
How do you read the data into the bytes[] array?
I usually use setBinaryStream() instead of setBytes(), that saves me from "manually" reading the file content into an
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
sqlq ="UPDATE table set image= ? where id=?";
ps = .....prepareStatement(sqlq);
ps.setBinarayStream(1, in, (int)file.length());