On 7/5/19 1:01 PM, PegoraroF10 wrote:
> Adrian, on Firebird if you create a table or procedure with fields or params
> declared with domains, they can be used with those domains or with their
> base type. On Postgres I32 is not equal to integer.
> create procedure myproc(id i32) returns(x i32) as ...
> select * from myproc(cast(5 as integer)) -- works on firebird. On Postgres
> it doesn´t because that procedure or function expects for a I32 and not a
> integer.
Tom beat me to the example. Still the point is that I think you are
going to find that there is not that much difference between Firebird
and Postgres on this point.
To get back to the original case, is there a specific reason you want a
IDENTITY column on the id field?
> --
> Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html
Adrian Klaver