Re: transaction confusion - Mailing list pgsql-general
From | Sim Zacks |
Subject | Re: transaction confusion |
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Msg-id | eejkl6$18p8$ Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: transaction confusion (Martijn van Oosterhout <>) |
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Re: transaction confusion
List | pgsql-general |
This function, when run in 2 separate sessions at the same time, causes a duplicate key error because popartid is a primary key. This makes sense to me. When the function is run in the second session it doesn't know about the transaction currently running in the first session. Therefore, when it does its delete, it obviously doesn't delete that data. When the first one finishes it puts the data into the table. When the second one finishes, it attempts to put its data into the table but finds records already there, which violate the primary key and cause an error. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populaterescheduleparts() RETURNS void AS $BODY$ begin delete from reschedulepoparts; insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty) SELECT a.popartid, a.priority, sum(b.rescqty) FROM reschedulepoparts_2 a JOIN reschedulepoparts_1 b ON a.popartid = b.popartid AND a.priority = b.priority group by a.popartid, a.priority; return; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; The next one is a bit longer. I would expect that if it was run in 2 separate sessions that 1) it would generate the same error as the first one generated, because it also populates the same table and 2) that there would be twice the number of records in the stat_allocated_components table. However, no matter how many tests I run, this function always exits with the correct number of rows in the table and without error. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populate_allocated_components() RETURNS void AS $BODY$ declare statrec stat_allocated_components; crs refcursor; statpos stat_allocated_components; v_partid int; v_lfbused int8; v_lfused int8; v_lused int8; v_polf int8; v_pol int8; v_polfb int8; v_availableLF int8; v_availableL int8; v_availableLFB int8; v_balancel int8; v_balancelf int8; leftovers int8; futurel int8; futurelf int8; futurelfb int8; beforeupdate int8; v_firstneedl date; v_firstneedlf date; sumqty int8; rowresc record; leadfound bool; tqty int8; Begin update systemsettings set lastranallocated = now(); delete from stat_allocated_components; delete from reschedulepoparts; insert into stat_allocated_components(partid,quantity,assembliesbatchid,assemblyname, popartid,duedate,stock,leadfree,l,lf,lfb,lbp,leadstateid) SELECT a.partid, a.quantity, c.assembliesbatchid, d.assemblyname,0, CASE WHEN (c.entrydate + '49 days'::interval) < c.lastmodified THEN c.lastmodified ELSE c.entrydate + '49 days'::interval END::timestamp with time zone AS duedate, case when d.leadfree then coalesce(g.totallf,0) else coalesce(g.totallead,0) end AS stock, d.leadfree,coalesce(g.l,0),coalesce(g.lf,0),coalesce(g.lfb,0),coalesce(g.lbp,0), case when d.leadfree then 1 else 2 end FROM assemblies d JOIN assembliesbatch c ON d.assemblyid = c.assemblyid JOIN allocatedassemblies a ON a.assembliesbatchid = c.assembliesbatchid left Join stockperownerandleadstate g on g.partid=a.partid and g.ownerid=1 WHERE c.assembliesbatchstatusid in (1,2,4,7) and a.quantity<0; insert into stat_allocated_components(partid,quantity,assembliesbatchid,assemblyname,popartid,duedate,l,lf,lfb,lbp,leadstateid,postatusid) SELECT a.partid, a.quantity, a.popartid AS assembliesbatchid, a.poref AS assemblyname, a.popartid AS popartid, a.expecteddate AS duedate, coalesce(g.l,0),coalesce(g.lf,0),coalesce(g.lfb,0),coalesce(g.lbp,0),a.leadstateid,postatusid FROM expectedpodelivery a Left join stockperownerandleadstate g on g.partid=a.partid and g.ownerid=1 ; v_partid=-1; for statrec in select * from stat_allocated_components order by partid,duedate,assembliesbatchid LOOP if v_partid<>statrec.partid then v_partid=statrec.partid; v_lfbused:=0; v_lfused:=0; v_lused:=0; v_polf:=0; v_pol:=0; v_polfb:=0; v_balancel:=0; v_balancelf:=0; v_firstneedl:=null; v_firstneedlf:=null; tqty:=0; end if; if statrec.quantity<0 then v_balancel:=statrec.stock -(v_lused+v_lfbused)+v_pol + v_polfb+case when not statrec.leadfree then statrec.quantity else 0 end; v_balancelf:=statrec.stock -(v_lfused+v_lfbused)+v_polf + v_polfb+case when statrec.leadfree then statrec.quantity else 0 end; if v_balancel<0 and v_firstneedl is null then v_firstneedl:=statrec.duedate; end if; if v_balancelf<0 and v_firstneedlf is null then v_firstneedlf:=statrec.duedate; end if; update stat_allocated_components set previouscommitmentlf=v_lfused+v_lfbused,previouscommitmentl=v_lused+v_lfbused,previouspol=v_pol,previouspolf=v_polf,previouspolfb=v_polfb, balance=case when statrec.leadfree then v_balancelf else v_balancel end, instock=case when statrec.leadfree then v_balancelf else v_balancel end>0 where; v_availableLF:=statrec.lf+v_polf-v_lfused; v_availableL:=statrec.l+statrec.lbp+v_pol-v_lused; v_availableLFB:=statrec.lfb+v_polfb-v_lfbused; v_lfbused:=v_lfbused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(case when statrec.leadfree then greaterof(v_availablelf,0) else greaterof(v_availablel,0) end,abs(statrec.quantity)),greaterof(v_availablelfb,0)); if statrec.leadfree then v_lfused:=v_lfused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablelf,0),abs(statrec.quantity)),greaterof(v_availablelfb,0)),greaterof(v_availablelf,0)); leftovers:= abs(statrec.quantity)- (lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablelf,0),abs(statrec.quantity)), greaterof(v_availablelfb,0)), greaterof(v_availablelf,0)) + lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablelf,0),abs(statrec.quantity)), greaterof(v_availablelfb,0))); else v_lused:=v_lused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablel,0),abs(statrec.quantity)),greaterof(v_availablelfb,0)),greaterof(v_availablel,0)); leftovers:= abs(statrec.quantity)- (lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablel,0),abs(statrec.quantity)), greaterof(v_availablelfb,0)), greaterof(v_availablel,0)) + lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(greaterof(v_availablel,0),abs(statrec.quantity)), greaterof(v_availablelfb,0))); end if; if leftovers>0 then futurelfb:=0; futurelf:=0; futurel:=0; if crs is not null then close crs; end if; open crs for select * from stat_allocated_components where quantity>0 and partid=statrec.partid and (duedate>statrec.duedate or (duedate=statrec.duedate and assembliesbatchid>statrec.assembliesbatchid)) order by duedate,assembliesbatchid; fetch crs into statpos; While found LOOP if statpos.leadstateid =1 and statrec.leadfree then futurelf:=futurelf+statpos.quantity; beforeupdate:=v_lfused; v_lfused:=v_lfused + lesserof(leftovers,futurelf+v_polf+statrec.lf-v_lfused); leftovers:=leftovers-lesserof(leftovers,futurelf+v_polf+statrec.lf-beforeupdate); elsif statpos.leadstateid = 2 and not statrec.leadfree then futurel:=futurel+statpos.quantity; beforeupdate:=v_lused; v_lused:=v_lused + lesserof(leftovers,futurel+v_pol+statrec.l-v_lused); leftovers:=leftovers-lesserof(leftovers,futurel+v_pol+statrec.l-beforeupdate); elsif statpos.leadstateid in (3,4) then futurelfb:=futurelfb+statpos.quantity; beforeupdate:=v_lfbused; v_lfbused:=v_lfbused + lesserof(leftovers,futurelfb+v_polfb+statrec.lfb-v_lfbused); leftovers:=leftovers-lesserof(leftovers,futurelfb+v_polfb+statrec.lfb-beforeupdate); end if; if leftovers=0 then exit; end if; fetch crs into statpos; end LOOP; if leftovers<>0 then if statrec.leadfree then v_lfused:=v_lfused+leftovers; else v_lused:=v_lused+leftovers; end if; end if; end if; else sumqty:=0; if statrec.leadstateid = 2 then v_pol:=v_pol+statrec.quantity; if v_balancel<0 then insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty) values(statrec.assembliesbatchid,v_firstneedl,lesserof(-v_balancel,statrec.quantity)); if lesserof(-v_balancel,statrec.quantity)=-v_balancel then v_firstneedl:=null; else for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where not leadfree and duedate>=v_firstneedl and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid order by duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop sumqty:=-rowresc.balance; if sumqty>statrec.quantity then v_firstneedl:=rowresc.duedate; exit; end if; End Loop; end if; v_balancel:=v_balancel+statrec.quantity; end if; elsif statrec.leadstateid=1 then v_polf:=v_polf+statrec.quantity; if v_balancelf<0 then insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty) values(statrec.assembliesbatchid,v_firstneedlf,lesserof(-v_balancelf,statrec.quantity)); if lesserof(-v_balancelf,statrec.quantity)=-v_balancelf then v_firstneedlf:=null; else for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where leadfree and duedate>=v_firstneedlf and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid order by duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop sumqty:=-rowresc.balance; if sumqty>statrec.quantity then v_firstneedlf:=rowresc.duedate; exit; end if; End Loop; end if; v_balancelf:=v_balancelf+statrec.quantity; end if; elsif statrec.leadstateid in (3,4) then v_polfb:=v_polfb+statrec.quantity; if v_balancelf<0 or v_balancel<0 then insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty) values(statrec.assembliesbatchid,lesserof(v_firstneedlf,v_firstneedl),lesserof(-(lesserof(v_balancelf,v_balancel)),statrec.quantity)); if lesserof(-(lesserof(v_balancelf,v_balancel)),statrec.quantity)=-(lesserof(v_balancelf,v_balancel)) then v_firstneedlf:=null; v_firstneedl:=null; else leadfound:=null; for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where duedate>=v_firstneedlf and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid order by duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop sumqty:=-rowresc.balance; if leadfound is null then if sumqty>statrec.quantity then if rowresc.leadfree then v_firstneedlf:=rowresc.duedate; v_firstneedl:=null; leadfound:=false; else v_firstneedl:=rowresc.duedate; v_firstneedlf:=null; leadfound:=true; end if; end if; else if leadfound and rowresc.leadfree then v_firstneedlf:=rowresc.duedate; exit; elsif not leadfound and not rowresc.leadfree then v_firstneedl:=rowresc.duedate; exit; end if; end if; End Loop; end if; v_balancel:=v_balancel+statrec.quantity; v_balancelf:=v_balancelf+statrec.quantity; end if; end if; end if; End Loop; return; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; Martijn van Oosterhout wrote: > On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 10:32:12AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote: >> I have a function that deletes all the values in a table and then >> inserts the data again. If this function is run in 2 sessions at the >> same time then it populates it twice, giving me a unique value error, >> because one of the fields is supposed to be unique. > > <snip> > >> Does this make any sense? > > Not overly much to me anyway. Could you provide some cut-and-paste > output from a psql session so we can see the actual commands you're > typing. It's possible the actual deletes and inserts are coded in a way > to cause a problem... > > Hope this helps,
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