I must have mucked up my installation of PostgreSQL on my Macintosh OS
X 10.1 machine. No matter what I do, I get an error when I try to run
initdb. So, I would like to start all over, removing PostgreSQL from
the machine.
But, I'm not sure how. I have removed the /Library/PostgreSQL
directory hierarchy. In addition, I have removed the /usr/local/pgsql
hierarchy as well as the commands installed in /usr/local/bin, these
two from an earlier botched attempt.
Still, when I run the installer, it provides me with a button that
says "Update" where I would expect "Install", indicating that there is
some remnant of an earlier installation around. What could be left
and where? I don't see an rpm option for OS X, which seems to be the
solution to this removing the software from a Linux system.
BTW, the error I get from initdb is:
creating template1 database in /Library/PostgreSQL/data/base/1...
dyld: /Library/PostgreSQL/bin/postgres Undefined symbols:
/Library/PostgreSQL/bin/postgres undefined reference to _crypt
expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib
if anyone has any insight into how to address this, I would appreciate
getting your advice. The libcrypto.0.9.dylib is in /usr/lib/