On Mon, October 5, 2020 13:07, Paul Förster wrote:
> I guess that's why you don't see the uuid_generate_v4() function. I suggest you
> either fully qualify it, i.e. public.uuid_generate_v4() or add public to your
> search path.
As this is an application package it is not within my purview to alter the
code. To do so would rik a return of the problem with every update.
Adding public to the search path is fine by me. However, I still need to find
out how this situation arose. Is it something I did or something that the
installer does by default? The project notes 'suggest' 'adempiere' as the
username for access. However they do not use wording to imply that one must
use it. However, if there is something in the installer that uses 'adempiere'
regardless of the properties settings then I need to discover this.
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