On 11/21/06,
Steve Midgley <
public@misuse.org> wrote:
(I already fear the answer to my question is "no..") :)
I am using the 'COPY FROM' SQL command (not psql \copy) to move data
into a table from a CSV file. The source data are suitable for import
EXCEPT there are extraneous columns of data in the source file. In
essence, my table schema is:
id, col1, col2, col4
My source file schema is:
I'm curious if there is any way to tell "COPY" to ignore the third
column of data? Basically I'd like to write something along the lines
copy import (col1,col2,\n,col4)
from 'c:/dev/import/source/test.csv'
Note "\n" would indicate there there is a column in the source that
should simply be ignored during the import. Of course, I tried this
syntax and it didn't work. Perhaps there is another way of indicating
that there is a "null column" in the source file that should be skipped
during import?
Any assistance in solving this problem (without having to change the
source file) would be greatly appreciated. If I have to change the
source file, I will, but it would greatly simplify things if I didn't
have to..
Best regards and thanks for any ideas,
If you are using Linux/Unix or a Mac, you could run the file through sed first and remove the unwanted column:
cat original.csv | sed 's/^\(.*\),\(.*\),\(.*\),\(.*\)$/\1,\2,\4/' > new.csv
Of course if you have commas in the data you will have to play with the sed command a little but this will get you started.
Aaron Bono
Aranya Software Technologies, Inc.
http://www.aranya.com http://codeelixir.com==================================================================