After a fresh install, including the patch for \dpS [1],
I found that granting MAINTAIN privilege does not allow the TOAST table
to be vacuumed.
postgres@postgres(16.0)=# GRANT MAINTAIN ON pg_type TO alice;
postgres@postgres(16.0)=# \c - alice
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "alice".
alice@postgres(16.0)=> \dpS pg_type
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column
privileges | Policies
pg_catalog | pg_type | table |
postgres=arwdDxtm/postgres+| |
| | | =r/postgres +| |
| | | alice=m/postgres | |
(1 row)
So, the patch for \dpS works as expected and can be committed.
alice@postgres(16.0)=> VACUUM pg_type;
WARNING: permission denied to vacuum "pg_toast_1247", skipping it
Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional: