On 3/29/23 07:19, Sebastien Flaesch wrote:
> Hello Kirk,
> INSERT statements must not use the serial column, so you have to list
> all columns of the table and provide only the values of the non-serial
> columns. With Informix you could just specific a zero to get a new
> generated serial, but seems this has never been considered with PostgreSQL.
Yes it has:
\d seq_test
Table "public.seq_test"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable |
id | integer | | not null |
fld_1 | character varying | | |
"seq_test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
insert into seq_test values(default, 'test');
select * from seq_test;
id | fld_1
1 | test
> SELECT * FROM table will return all column, user-defined ROWID included...
> This is not the case with Informix or Oracle ROWID columns.
> So, either you specify all columns except user-def ROWID or you add the
> rowid field to the program variable structure that receives the row.
> ...
> Seb
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adrian Klaver