Until I finish building the python/tkinter/psycopg2 front end to my business
tracking tool I continue to work using the psql shell.'
I have a working .sql script that reports my contacts between two dates; the
script returns more columns than I want included in the report. I want to
pipe the output through an awk script to extract, in order, the columns I
need. I'm stuck at the point of defining options to psql.
The current command line is:
psql -d bustrac -f prospecting_log.sql -o contacts.txt --csv
However, using the --csv output conversion makes separate fields from a
varchar column that can contain commas with the text contents.
Without --csv I get normal psql output with column headings and separator
lines such as these:
person_nbr | act_date | act_type |
| person_nbr | lname | fname | org_nbr | org_nbr |
Is there an option that will retain the '|' separator but exclude the
headings? Reading the psql document page I don't see such an option.