On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 11:51:19AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I have no idea either. I agree there *shouldn't* be any connection,
> so if ASLR is somehow triggering this then whatever is failing is
> almost certainly buggy on its own terms. But there's a lot of
> moving parts here (mumble libxml mumble). I'm going to wait to see
> if it reproduces before spending much effort.
I have noticed that yesterday, but cannot think much about it. This
basically changes the position of "<!--c1-->" for the first record,
leaving the second one untouched:
<!--c1--><?pi arg?><![CDATA[&ent1]]>
<?pi arg?><![CDATA[&ent1]]><!--c1-->
I am not used to xmltable(), but I wonder if there is something in one
of these support functions in xml.c that gets influenced by the
randomization. That sounds a bit hairy as make check passed in
bowerbird, and I have noticed at least two other Windows hosts running
TAP that passed. Or that's just something with libxml itself.