Am Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 01:14:06PM -0700 schrieb Adrian Klaver:
> >Any chance pg_dump (and/or pg_restore) might gain an option
> >--ignore-read-only ? That way, PostgreSQL need not decide
> >for users.
> How about:
> 1) pg_dump -Fc -d read_only_db -U postgres -f read_only.out
> 2) In new cluster:
> A) psql -d postgres -U postgres
> CREATE DATABASE read_only;
> B) pg_restore -d read_only -U postgres read_only.out
> C) psql -d read_only -U postgres
> alter database read_only SET default_transaction_read_only TO 'on';
That would work but does not lend itself well to a fully
scripted pg_dump/pg_restore backup "solution". The full
pg_dump command line is this:
pg_dump --verbose --format=directory --compress=0 --column-inserts --clean --if-exists --serializable-deferrable
"${_PG_HOST_ARG}""${_PG_PORT_ARG}" --username="${GM_DBO}" -f "${BACKUP_DATA_DIR}" "${GM_DATABASE}" 2> /dev/null
And this is the restore:
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --verbose --create --dbname=template1 --exit-on-error -p ${GM_PORT} ${BACKUP}.dir/
GPG 40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6 5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B