From: David Steele <>
> Overall, 118 of 262 entries were closed during this commitfest (45%).
> That includes 91 patches committed since March 1, which is pretty
> fantastic. Thank you to everyone, especially the committers, for your
> hard work!
The number of committed patches in the last CF is record-breaking in recent years:
PG 14: 124
PG 13: 90
PG 12: 100
PG 11: 117
PG 10: 116
PG 9.6: 74
PG 9.5: 102
I take off my hat to the hard work of committers and CFM. OTOH, there seems to be many useful-looking features pending
asready for committer. I look forward to seeing them committed early in PG 15.
Takayuki Tsunakawa