Hi every one,
I've tried to reindex one of my customer's table to gain some disk space.
I had to stop after 90 m cpu...
I've then pg_dump'ed the database and recreate an other both on 7.3.4 and
Both are still running after more than 30 minutes of CPU (100% cpu taken)
creating the levt_lu_ligne_evt_key.
Disks don't do anything, just cpu.
Here are the info I have
test=# \d ligneevt Table "public.ligne_evt" Column | Type |
-------------levt_cod | integer | not null default nextval('seq_levt
_cod'::text)levt_tevt_cod | integer | not nulllevt_date | timestamp with time zone | not
nulllevt_type_per1 | integer | not nulllevt_perso_cod1 | integer | not
nulllevt_type_per2 | integer |levt_perso_cod2 | integer |levt_texte | text
|levt_lu | character varying(2) | default 'N'levt_visible | character varying(2)
|levt_attaquant | integer |levt_cible | integer |
Indexes: ligne_evt_pkey primary key btree (levt_cod), levt_attaquant_ligne_evt_key btree (levt_attaquant),
levt_cible_ligne_evt_key btree (levt_cible), levt_lu_ligne_evt_key btree (levt_lu),
levt_visible_ligne_evt_keybtree (levt_visible), ligne_evt_levt_cod_key btree (levt_cod),
ligne_evt_levt_date_keybtree (levt_date), ligne_evt_levt_perso_cod1_key btree (levt_perso_cod1),
ligne_evt_levt_perso_cod2_keybtree (levt_perso_cod2), ligne_evt_levt_tevt_cod_key btree (levt_tevt_cod),
ligne_evt_levt_type_per1_keybtree (levt_type_per1), ligne_evt_levt_type_per2_key btree (levt_type_per2)
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_5453038
test=# SELECT count(*) from ligne_evt ;count
(1 row)
test=# SELECT levt_lu,count(*) from ligne_evt group by levt_lu;levt_lu | count
---------+--------N | 49435O | 181242
(2 rows)
Can some one help me?
Olivier PRENANT Tel: +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
6, Chemin d'Harraud Turrou +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
31190 AUTERIVE +33-6-07-63-80-64 (GSM)
FRANCE Email: ohp@pyrenet.fr
Make your life a dream, make your dream a reality. (St Exupery)