I might have missed somethign with all the dump/reload discussions that
went on, but what is:
postgres@zeus> psql -e -f db.dump template1
\connect template1
connecting to new database: template1
select datdba into table tmp_pguser from pg_database where datname =
QUERY: select datdba into table tmp_pguser from pg_database where
datname = 'template1';
delete from pg_user where usesysid <> tmp_pguser.datdba;
QUERY: delete from pg_user where usesysid <> tmp_pguser.datdba;
drop table tmp_pguser;
QUERY: drop table tmp_pguser;
copy pg_user from stdin;
QUERY: copy pg_user from stdin;
Enter info followed by a newline
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
And then it just stops...?
This is using pg_dump/pg_dumpall from 6.2.1, before shutting down v6.2.1,
to create the db.dump file...