Dear Tom,
> BTW, it occurs to me that there's a bug in the current implementation of
> CREATE DATABASE when you change the database's default tablespace.
> [...]
> Now, when looking at the new database's reltablespace column, it will
> appear that that table is in the old database's default tablespace ...
> but that ain't where CREATE DATABASE put it. Ooops.
> Thoughts?
I submitted a patch 3 weeks ago so as to update the namespace ownership
wrt the database owner on the first connexion to a database.
It seems to me that you need just the very same hook for housekeeping
stuff after "create database": that would not avoid the problem, but at
least fix the information before it is used. I'm not sure it is that easy
to check for the table space of a table... But as it is just a newly
created database, maybe we can simply assume that all tables are in the
new database "default" tablespace, so the update is really simple?
It's more a "fix-me later" approach, but it does not look that bad, IMHO.
Fabien Coelho -