Dear hackers,
> Agreed. I would also like to see installed.
> pg_config.h has C-level configs, and has the
> Makefile-level configs.
There is also "config.status" which is definitely of interest as it
allows to recreate the build tree, and which is not installed by default.
Independently of the actual file list to be included, where
could these makefiles be installed?
- share is for "architecture independent" files. Not really the case.
- include is rather for C files... but and others are actually included, so it may make sense? If so,
shouldit be directly in the include/postgresql subdir, or some special subdir, say "include/postgresql/config"?
- some other directory?
I would tend to put everything in "include/postgresql/config":- a copy of Makefile.port (the actual
file,not the link)- config.status- possibly other included files (NLS? win32? cygwin?)
Another issue is that seems hardwired to be in
the "src" subdirectory of a postgresql source tree, and to find other
files there:
# Pull in platform-specific magicinclude $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.port
This is an issue for external tools that would like to include so as to be in the same environment as the server
Any idea? The best I have would be to create a "src" subdir in the
installation, so that top_builddir could be set to
".../include/postgresql/config" and everything would work from that
point of view.
Fabien COELHO _ _ CRI-ENSMP, 35, rue Saint-Honoré, 77305
Fontainebleaucedex, France phone: (+33|0) 1 64 69 {voice: 48 52, fax: 47 09, standard: 47 08} ________ All
opinionsexpressed here are mine _________