how can i get user ip, who can only connect by tcp/ip , for example in
plpgsql function . ??
how can declare and define my own variables in each connect to db, and
read it / or change it in plpgsql function ?
is possible to create this same name of users in one postmaster but in
different db ?
how to change default grant to created objects, (tables ,functions, etc) ?
where can i change max length of function's name ? its can be only in one
place ?
how can i return more then 1 row in one time in function with SETOF
same_type; (plpgsql) like : RETURN NEXT SELECT f FROM BIG_TABLE ;
how to disallow user to create anything, user for example can select from
same function. this user also can not see others databases and objects in
actual db .. etc ( it should be default ?? ) ?
how set default value of function's args.
Can someone help me with this problems ?
thx :>