I have sended the message below to pgadmin-support but receive no
answers... I hope you can help me on this...
Is there any server timeout that is undocumented?
I've issued a query like the one below and the server timed out after
180min (+/-). The query "construct_warehouse()" can last well above the
180min because it fills a table with millions of tuples...
spid=> vacuum full analyze ; select construct_warehouse() ; vacuum analyze ;
NOTICE: Skipping "pg_group" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
NOTICE: Skipping "pg_database" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
NOTICE: Skipping "pg_shadow" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
server closed the connection unexpectedlyThis probably means the server terminated abnormallybefore or while processing
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
You are currently not connected to a database.
!> \q
I've searched the archives for some documented timeout but nothing...
I've searched the postgresql.conf file and nothing...
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!
Note: the first time I noticed a time out was using a JDBC driver and
then I've tested in the pgsql to confirm it.
-- o__ Bem haja, _.>/ _ NunoACHenriques (_) \(_) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~