Hannu Krosing wrote:
> Have you found out _what_ exaclty is patented ?
> Is it just his concrete implementation of "UB-Tree" or something
> broader, like using one multi-dimensional index instead of multiple
> one-dimensional ones ?
(I know it is OT, please reply in private, I can summarize any reactions
to the list ...)
Patents are supposed to be only applicable to an industrial application
(with external side-effects). So ideas in themselves are not patentable.
Anyway, this is once more a good example of the danger of software patents
- you know what to reply when people say "software patents promote
IANAL, just my 0,02 Euro.
see also : http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/savingeurope.html (also
interesting for non-europeans, of course !)
Tycho Fruru tycho.fruru@conostix.com
"Prediction is extremely difficult. Especially about the future."
- Niels Bohr