> Grant writes:
> > I have a message board. Where users can send each other messages. I
> > doubt I will ever get 2147483647 messages, but I want to make sure I
> > never get an error where the message isn't sent.
> Think about loads. If your users are going to be posting 10
> messages/second, that's 864000 messages per day, you won't wrap for
> nearly 7 years. I've got a pretty heavy mail load, including spam I
> probably get 300 messages/day, weekends are lighter, so if you've got
> a bunch of weenies who are subscribed to a gazillion mailing lists
> you're talking three thousand users for six and a half years.
> A little light if you're planning on being the next Hotmail (A test
> account set up there gets 70 spams/day without my ever publishing the
> address), but for your average mid-range discussion forum you're
> probably good for a while. I doubt that, say, Salon's TableTalk forum
> gets even 10k new messages per day.
I understand what you're saying. However it's not the amount of messages per day. I have cycle set on the sequence so
thatwhen it reaches the limit it will start back at 1 again. If however some users still have messages in their
accountsthat have used random ids from 1 onwards postgresql will produce the error that it's trying to insert a
duplicateid that already exists, so in theory I want the system to run for infinity. I hope this makes sense. Thankyou
foryour time.