To upgrade from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 can I simply do a dumpall and then reload
the information back into psql to re-create? Or is it more complicated
than that?
I do not want any information to be lost. I am running the latest DBD/DBI
libraries so I assume I wouldn't have to recompile that or PHP or anything
like that. So I am really just looking for the thumbs up that all I have
to do is a dump all.
Anyone note any good performance increase from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2?
Brian Feeny (BF304) | ShreveNet Inc. - Premium Internet Service Provider
Network Administrator | Shreveport, Louisiana - | Web Hosting, Virtual Domains, Storefronts,
(318)222-2NET x 109 | Database/Web Integration, 56k, ISDN, T1