> > I'll say it again and again - glibc-2.0 is the _STANDARD_ (actually
> > reference) platform for Unix. All Unix. Not just Linux.
> > Adopted last year.
> And...how many Unix (other then Linux) are *actually* using it?
> Any idea on how we can test whether it is being used or not?
AFAIK some BSD's are now using it - but I am probably wrong. I gave up on
BSD in '92.
> The "let's break all ports except Linux because the rest don't
> follow a new standard" argument just don't hold water for those not using
> Linux :)
There's no reason to break anything with this... This is a way of
detecting it (there are others IIRC).
#if (__GLIBC__ >= 2)
[glibc-2 stuff]
for a complicated varient.
Most of the minor nit-picks involve actually mean going into source and
fixing it. (ie - not really port-related fixes).
That and #undef HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE in os/linux.h for glibc-2... as that's
autodetected (and invalid). Detecting HAVE_SIGSETJMP would be nice to as
it really IS a function in glibc (just remapped via a #define).
AFAIK gnu's libc's are not used on just linux. So making it a linux-only
thing would be almost as bad as not fixing it in the first place... *g*
(not trying to be rude - personally I've found that the database works
well enough regardless of the regression tests :)
G'day, eh? :)
- Teunis