On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Myron Scott wrote:
> I have put a new version of my multi-threaded
> postgresql experiment at
> http://www.sacadia.com/mtpg.html
> This one actually works. I have added a server
> based on omniORB, a CORBA 2.3 ORB from ATT. It
> is much smaller than TAO and uses the thread per
> connection model. I haven't added the java side
> of the JNI interface yet but the C++ side is there.
> It's still not stable but it is much better than
> mkscott@sacadia.com
Sorry I haven't time to see and test your experiment,
but I have a question. How you solve memory management?
The current mmgr is based on global variable
CurrentMemoryContext that is very often changed and used.Use you for this locks? If yes it is probably problematic
point for perfomance.